Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] you [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Not only should you understand these boundaries but they must be conveyed somehow to your subordinates and above all , your boss .
2 So could you differentiate that ?
3 Er Miss 's got a few bits for people there so could you make sure they get there 's some football letters to be given out I think .
4 Okay so they 're all so could you write this one down then tonight I 'm having fish , chips and peas .
5 So could you say this was in the modern society effect .
6 so could you find seventy eight per cent of erm a hundred and twenty pounds ?
7 how long would you say this street is ?
8 Right , so would you do that for us so we
9 How long will you finish this ?
10 And not only will you feel better , but you will look better .
11 If you are now feeling completely at ease with Stage 1 of the tummy exercises and you have mastered at least 8 repeats of each exercise then start working on Stage 2 — not only will you look good , you will take the strain off your back .
12 If you 're interested in standing for any of those or wan na put someone forward to stand for one of those , come to the elections in room six two three , six two four Friday the twenty sixth at two fifteen twenty third , I 'm sorry , at two fifteen and er not only will you get all the , the general info about what I 've done so far this year , what I intend to do , what next year 's budget 's going to be etcetera , that 's when those elections are actually held .
13 Do n't all just stand together can you make ten lots of ten okay .
14 Not only can you feel smug that you bagged the Ben the hard way , you will also be handsomely rewarded by the views across Loch Linnhe as you descend .
15 I want to put the disposal unit on so can you move this ?
16 So can you do ninety nines ?
17 So can you measure those , write hem down and add them up .
18 So can you choose one of those lines now , think about it for a minute and then have a look on at this .
19 so can you see that board there ?
20 Yeah , so you 've really got to protect , you 've got to protect that I , okay , so can you put bigger in a sentence Trevor ?
21 I shall be selecting a number of works for discussion in a later issue , but meanwhile should you have any queries or need advice concerning any of the points raised in the series please write in and they too will be answered in a forthcoming edition .
22 ‘ What exactly would you say this might be ? ’
23 Finally will you challenge large firms like Dixons and Comet to train their staff or at least encourage their staff to suggest customers seek skilled advice for specific requirements ?
24 If you live round the corner from Mary Whitehouse could you pop in and tell her that her phone is off the hook she has n't replaced the receiver and she she 's quite an elderly lady and I would would be terribly upset if if she had n't got her phone back cos she might need it for emergencies or something like that and I am a caring concerned person so could you could you pop round the corner to Mary 's house and tell her that she has n't put her phone on the hook off the hook properly could you do that ?
25 Right could you make sure you 've worked out what gets five marks and what 's get what gets nought marks for spelling and presentations .
26 But I mean like could you plug that into a normal Walkman ?
27 it is , is the policy i i is , is would you need to set this up as , as it being a long term I E ho how quickly would you expect that kind of process to work through ?
28 Now could you differentiate that ?
29 Which way round and how far would you turn this model so that it roughly fits map H for industrial sectors of Bristol ?
30 out Will you chew those ?
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