Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] i [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So may I enter a plea for simplicity , homeliness and humour , in the teaching of chemistry ?
2 Not only would I lose a valued client but her collection might come on to the market , her reasons for selling would become known , Durances all over the world would become suspect and lose their value and dealers would suffer .
3 So shall I make a fresh cup of tea ?
4 Alright , so can I have the dice ?
5 So can I take the shoes off , Nana ? ’
6 So can I shut the door ?
7 And that must be our last question for today so can I ask the team for some topical tips Walter ?
8 No longer could I detect a whiff of stale odour , but the pleasant aroma of his aftershave .
9 Soon will I quench the burning sun
10 We finished serving lunch and coffee and cleared up , and as soon as I decently could I left the kitchen and set off forward up the train .
11 Er , before I ring off can I have a quick word with Cedric please — if he 's there ?
12 Shut up can I have a sarnie ?
13 ‘ All that I have done today has gone amiss ’ , he says ( II , 17 ) ; ‘ Since we passed through the Argonath my choices have gone amiss ’ ( II , 28 ) ; ‘ And now may I make a right choice , and change the evil fate of this unhappy day ! ’
14 How far can I expect the audience to share the desired meaning of the work ?
15 Now can I ask a self-indulgent question , I mean , how well do you think the women , ten , and twenty , and thirty years older than you have done in , in achieving a better deal for women your age ?
16 Now can I have a proper rubber ?
17 Please may I borrow a rubber sir .
18 Most kids have a pretty long list : ‘ Please may I have a Barbie doll with her van and a oops a daisy doll hands down games bensing babys teddy bears leggo my dolley suprise hungry hippoes . ’
19 If you said please may I have the marmalade it might arrive .
20 say please may I have the marmalade .
21 Please could I have a lock of hair ?
22 He said , Well would I show the plans to the parish council and see what their reaction is .
23 Well can I make a suggestion that you add it all to the list of the things to discuss it is .
24 Er and what he 's saying is , well can I have a price for these items ?
25 Well can I have the Labour group then please ?
26 Please can I have a supplementary allocation . ’
27 Please can I have a bit of Kit-Kat ?
28 please can I have the cars and bikes out
29 The assistant fetched a man from the back — please can I see the male assistant to explain what I want ? — who nodded gravely .
30 Then may I have an undertaking that if I can manage to put on a show , a stupendous show — I promise you it will be — may I then retire from the post ?
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