Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] have the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's our credibility as well you know we 're being told quality of service etc etc and I think it ought to be a department meeting we all ought to have the opportunity to put forward what we 're doing and where we 're going .
2 So must have the entry into politics of growing petit-bourgeois anti-semitic political forces .
3 In language which retained the authentic ring of Robert Owen , it still sought far-reaching social and political change , ‘ a different order of things , in which the really useful and intelligent part of society only shall have the direction of its affairs ; in which industry and virtue shall meet their just distinction and reward , and vicious idleness its merited contempt and destruction . ’
4 The IoD estimates that the increased taxes announced yesterday will have the effect of adding 7p to income tax .
5 Er now let's have the prosecution , have the facts for the other offences then Miss .
6 ‘ No , so now let's have the truth , ’ he encouraged .
7 But whatever those proposals may be , schools now will have the opportunity of opting out , and I think it 's a fair guess that if the opting out legislation had been in place when comprehensive education was imposed upon this county in 1964 , you would probably have found a great number of the grammar schools would have opted out , using the legislation , and I have no doubt whatsoever that in every single one of those cases you would have had a large majority of parents in support of that .
8 Those that are n't will have the minutes , yeah ?
9 I 've been retired from playing for five years , although this season I messed about a bit just to keep in touch with what was going on , and I really do think that someone else should have the honour of captaining the team .
10 Nobody else would have the patience !
11 The lorry driver was real , not a stuntman , because it was thought no one else would have the expertise to drive a long , heavy vehicle at a specific speed .
12 they would n't put the guards , they never used to have the guard on you see you
13 He is not disabled , and yet he makes like he never would have the diagnosis of disability recognised .
14 At workplace level , we start our own health and safety issues , in the community we can support the local environment protection issues , and at international level , we too can have the influence .
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