Example sentences of "[adv] [be] we [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 How then are we to view the procedure ?
2 Eliciting and translating meaning accurately is difficult enough with explicit phenomena : how then are we to understand the implicit , inner significance of things whose nature depends on subtle allusions ?
3 For example , if the only way to be a subject is to be constituted by the existing ISAs , how are we to explain the fact that a theorist such as Connolly is so convinced of the necessity of intentional subjecthood , while Althusser views it as a contingency ?
4 But how are we to sample the primaries with probability proportional to size ?
5 If the relationship between sign and reality is not natural but arbitrary , how are we to understand the sign 's ability to signify , the capacity of language to generate meaning ?
6 Particularly with insects , whose chitinous exoskeletons make it difficult to consider them in anthropomorphic terms , how are we to discover the extent to which they might be acting intelligently ?
7 But how are we to interpret the symbolism of other cultures ; how can we crack their symbolic codes ?
8 How are we to measure the quality of primary care ?
9 Given this context , then how are we to perceive the German case ?
10 How else are we to explain the grotesque document which this highly intelligent and normally level-headed man gave birth to the other day ?
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