Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] on in " in BNC.

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1 The many rules and regulations concerning licensing will only be touched on in this section ; they form in themselves a considerable volume of law .
2 The answer to the last question is , of course , the so-called Standby Credit which is really a form of performance guarantee which will only be drawn on in the event of default by the party who has contracted to perform some service .
3 This task can only be embarked on in collaboration with the head , preferably with the support of other staff members , and is vital to the whole LMS operation .
4 Again , files that have not been worked on in a given period can be selected .
5 This has already been touched on in Chapter 7 .
6 Each has already been touched on in passing , but something more needs to be said .
7 The mapping or transformation rules to convert the conceptual model in the form of entities , attributes and relationships , to a logical model which could be relational , hierarchical or network has already been touched on in the relevant sections .
8 In particular , perhaps , there will be the question of agreeing the partners ' profit shares , the problem of which has already been touched on in Chapter 4 .
9 Suppose that , however improbably , a balanced slate could nevertheless be agreed on in one party .
10 WHEN it comes to home decorating , the colours that find favour in Louisville , Kentucky , could soon be catching on in Rio de Janeiro and Montreal .
11 Their liberated lives could not be carried on in the child-centred suburbs .
12 Simple word-processing programs often used in conjunction with microwriters are already being experimented on in a few schools .
13 Another factor which has reinforced this and which has hardly been remarked on in this context is the telephone .
14 In Russia English merchants had gone some way south of Moscow , and trade was also being carried on in the Eastern Mediterranean or Levant .
15 What has really been going on in this establishment ?
16 But one of the most persistent and pernicious myths we 've inherited from Descartes is that mentality is essentially conscious , so that anything we ca n't introspect ca n't really be going on in our mind .
17 Clearly , clearly , the survey could n't be carried on in very many parts of the sewer because the pipes are in such bad condition .
18 This saving will then be passed on in a combination of three ways .
19 It is often part of an author 's technique to leave us in some doubt as to what precisely is going on in the fictional world , as Katherine Mansfield does here .
20 For many people , some sexual failure , temporary or otherwise , is made worse by the immense current cultural emphasis on passionate sex being the ‘ be all and end all ’ , with the implication of failure if they are not easily roused to orgasm regardless of what else is going on in their lives .
21 What else is going on in this person 's life at the moment that might make your intervention ‘ the last straw ’ ; for example , family illness , death , anniversaries of death , separation or divorce , loss of job , being accused of abuse of some sort ?
22 Something else is going on in the river
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