Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is important because specific mechanisms have since been developed for subsidizing private operations in the inner area , but it should also be noted that all inner-area housing sites were already designated as housing land and there were no ‘ change of use ’ profits to be made on them .
2 In commerce the designation ivory has sometimes been extended to nuts of the Phytelephas palm of South America , but this has only been used for making things like buttons , draughtsmen and netsuke .
3 That might seem to be precisely the sort of querulous argument which the Left has familiarly been scorned for posing .
4 Morgenthau has long been criticized for ignoring or underplaying economic factors .
5 In industrialised countries , such rudimentary amenities as piped water and sanitation have long been taken for granted and there has been a virtual elimination of major infectious diseases over the past century .
6 Advances in automation , the development of word-processors and the many other applications of information technology have all been blamed for rising unemployment .
7 Because of the last row knitted before casting off has to be knitted at a looser tension , the linker can only be used for casting off all the stitches .
8 The woodwind can only be used for doubling notes which are already present in the brass .
9 Instead the contributions can only be used for boosting the actual pension itself .
10 The surface of the tablet can be programmed to act as a menu that selects standard options from the program so that the keyboard need only be used for selecting the main functions .
11 The surface of the tablet can also be programmed to act as a menu that selects standard options from the program so that the keyboard need only be used for selecting major functions or entering text .
12 The click paradigm can , of course , only be used for investigating the perception of spoken language .
13 The cynic may perhaps be forgiven for commenting that the freedom given by the Use Classes Order and the GDO is so hedged by restrictions , and frequently so difficult to comprehend ( though he may note with relief that painting is not subject to control , unless it is ‘ for purpose of advertisement , announcement or direction ’ ) that it would be safer to assume that any operation constitutes development and requires planning permission .
14 Your review of two books on crime ( April 3rd ) makes the brazen statement that Italy ‘ can perhaps be forgiven for producing so many American gangsters . ’
15 The defendants alone were sued for inducing/procuring the employees to breach their contracts of employment .
16 Spring water only is used for drinking and cooking food .
17 Up to now , the manufacturers had not been accounting for dismantling personal computers in their construction , so it 's still a very difficult process .
18 With all due respect to my fellow countrymen , German prisoners of war have not been noted for escaping from England , not since the First World War . ’
19 On the other hand , he could not remember a time when it had not been taken for granted the Hall would one day be his own .
20 The fact that goods have not been paid for does not prevent ownership in them passing to the purchaser unless , of course , they are subject to a properly communicated and valid retention clause .
21 She knows from home that many trains do not run because thousands of peasants have not been paid for hauling wood to the engine fuel-dumps for the whole of 1920–1 , and so have refused to carry on .
22 Selling goods that have not been paid for appears to need redress .
23 On the other hand , only 25 per cent of the Kosovo electorate turned out to vote , most of these being Serbs , following calls by ethnic Albanians for a total boycott , and Tanjug reported that in Kosovo some 400 polling stations had not been opened for voting by the local authorities .
24 Bill Craig had already been sacked for criticizing O'Neill 's televised plea to the province .
25 Two players had allegedly already been banished for fighting .
26 A man who 's already been to jail for killing a policeman is going back to prison tonight after a judge increased his sentence .
27 The JUMNA ( Junction Minimisation of Nucleic Acids ) program , described in detail in earlier publications ( 15–19 ) , has already been employed for studying base sequence effects within the various allomorphs of DNA and RNA , the conformation and stability of triple helices , the mechanism of base pair opening and the specificity of DNA-drug interactions .
28 Many shrewd judges , both on the veldt and in England , though that the Springbok selectors were taking a massive gamble with Griffin , who had already been called for throwing in his own country , especially as unfair bowling had lately become a major issue .
29 A method had already been developed for salvaging institutions and legacies which were defective : the principle plus nuncupatum minus scriptum was applied .
30 If by any chance the cassette has already been used for recording on another machine ( for example , on a VHS mains VCR ) , remember to check that the cassette 's safety-tab is still in place , otherwise , you may be baffled by your camcorder 's refusal to do any recording !
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