Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [noun] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As I took my place with two jamjars in my first Saturday morning kids matinee queue , apprehensive lest the currency had been devalued or even replaced with money , I observed that not only were Royals the heroes in the films but that my choice of cinema was between the Queens and the Royal , and I was warned that before the performance you were supposed to stand for the pianist 's rendition of ‘ God Save the King ’ .
2 Third party insurance alone is £1168 a year .
3 So is Mick the barman .
4 So is reliability the problem ?
5 So is Textcall a winner.The final word must go to Ray .
6 So is indecisiveness an excess of imagination which can see so many possibilities in each alternative that none of them can be rejected ?
7 Not only is measles a killer , but it also causes blindness , deafness and mental handicap in thousands of children every year .
8 Not only is expertise the justification for giving broad discretionary power to both corporate managers and administrative bodies , it also supposedly limits and controls the exercise of their power .
9 Not only was France a republic , one and indivisible , but so was the French ‘ community ’ which comprised France and its colonies .
10 Then coming on to the end of Street next door was a milliners , now that nobody knows what they are today Miss the name was and then coming across Street to the other side was which was a drapers , and next coming down was Smiths the butcher 's shop , and next to that was the grocers , following on down there was the ironmonger , then there was the newspaper , and you come down to the White Hart erm then we come to the White Hart
11 They were going by minibus to London for the visit to the Tate Gallery , with a driver , and the transport alone was £15 a head .
12 Political persuasion was required to keep up the political momentum , and given the changing age profile of the electorate — many of whom had not been adults a decade ago — Sir Geoffrey warned : ‘ We 've got to choose the style to match the mood of Britain . ’
13 Barring disasters , thinks Mr Stanislaw , the price could soon be $15 a barrel or less , not the $40-plus that was once feared .
14 I 'll not be more'n a stone 's throw from the door , so rid th'self of thoughts about taking off .
15 Gentleman , this is to quaint you all of you cor Serning the Billing of this workhous think to starve the poore theare Stephen Wite Stratford Lews of Barfield Wile of TataSon Loyd hintlesham but let them tak care of thin Selves for farit that is hap on shall there Brains be Blown out and that as sure as death and fail not and the hous shall not be bilt a toyle for theare shall be 500 planted soon and will di all it and pull Wiles hous down .
16 Why I want to warn every mum-to-be EXCLUSIVE Why I 'd hate to fall in love with Craig HOME and AWAY 'S JANE The trouble with my DAD !
17 What had not been realised by all concerned was the fearful advance in the scientific methods of waging war — no longer was war a man to man affair — men could be destroyed in hundreds from a distance and that ability was not confined to one side alone .
18 The pensioner couple , who even after the uprating will still be £25 a week worse off , will remember him .
19 According to Craine , however , losses have now been reduced from once being $1m a quarter to being now ‘ around breakeven level ’ , and Rabbit should be profitable ‘ shortly ’ .
20 The offer he made to his boardroom colleagues yesterday was 20p a share , 30p less than their original value .
21 ‘ Had the Government not broken the link in 1980 , the basic state pension would now be £9.70 a week higher for a single person , and £15.45 higher for a couple .
22 What I can do now is treat the damage and give you something to soothe the burning .
23 All I can do now is praise the NME for finally showing him to be the xenophobic shit that he really is .
24 Gary Wills says they 've done a lot of work on the swing and all he does now is aim the golf club him .
25 But apart from some rhetoric about acting to protect human health , all it has done so far is commission a report from the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
26 The only thing to do now was finish the plane and get back to Gibbet Hall as quickly as he could .
27 Then it really was spring the apples orchard was in flower .
28 Here are names the selectors might conjure with .
29 They ca n't be alwayth a learning , nor yet they ca n't be alwayth a working , they a n't made for it ’ .
30 They ca n't be alwayth a learning , nor yet they ca n't be alwayth a working , they a n't made for it ’ .
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