Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 So are you leaving the ball in my court on that ?
2 So are you doing the one o'clock or not bothering ?
3 eighty eight so are you saying the brochure was reprinted between nineteen eighty five and nineteen eighty eight ? , by
4 Why do we give away Not only are we incurring the cost of what we 're giving away but we 're losing revenue with people that would have flown with us anyway
5 Oh how long were you doing the , day training ?
6 Not only were they attacking the cat , but they were prepared to fight with anyone who got in their way .
7 Mary Finnigan : It was at this time , when David flew out to Malta , then not only were we organising the Arts Lab but a free open air festival in Beckenham , David , having flown out to the Maltese song festival had sent Angie a postcard saying something to the effect that he was going to be in Italy and why did n't Angie come and join him , which she did , leaving me to sort out both the folk club and the free festival organised for Beckenham Park the following Sunday . ’
8 So were you doing the same kind of work then ?
9 The true value of bringing the experts in is it shows the boys what limits can be reached
10 So is it agreed the clerk write to them again about all the ones we 've listed ?
11 In my opinion , if this is the sort of information that college authorities are feeding to students , not only is it putting the lid on a worthwhile career , but robbing our Institute of future embalmers .
12 But Don 's involvement goes still further , not only is he helping the orphans but he 's trying to regenerate agriculture in the region .
13 But I remember I 'd got a box on my mantlepiece erm not only was I using the pessaries but I was also taking these when the period was due .
14 It had dawned on me that not only was I leaving the comfortingly familiar surroundings of primary school but that I no longer had any influence whatsoever on the other pupils at the school which I had had before but I was to be demoted to ‘ the annoying first year ’ .
15 When it finally was he recognised the voice immediately .
16 The present England manager , Graham Taylor , said : ‘ My enduring picture of Bobby Moore will always be him lifting the World Cup in 1966 .
17 With 158 still needed from the last twenty-two overs , the later batsmen never had a chance , perishing quickly is they threw the bat .
18 Obviously erm in in receiving those additional figures I accept what the in senior inspector says about not er opening up the need side of the debate but clearly is I think the er Mr from Harrogate is saying it does it does cast a question mark on the supply dimension of the debate in terms of additional and commitments coming into the the figures to meet the Greater York housing requirement .
19 Now are you seeing the increase that the national statistics are suggesting in this area ?
20 Big deal : then it would n't be him helping the police with their inquiries , it 'd be me .
21 His efforts , near the end of his term in office , to educate America on the endowment 's purpose would serve him well were he to take the job now .
22 How well is it taking the strain ?
23 How then am I to resolve the morass of conflicting needs and interests of myself and my fellow animals ?
24 How then are we to view the procedure ?
25 Eliciting and translating meaning accurately is difficult enough with explicit phenomena : how then are we to understand the implicit , inner significance of things whose nature depends on subtle allusions ?
26 For example , if the only way to be a subject is to be constituted by the existing ISAs , how are we to explain the fact that a theorist such as Connolly is so convinced of the necessity of intentional subjecthood , while Althusser views it as a contingency ?
27 But how are we to sample the primaries with probability proportional to size ?
28 If the relationship between sign and reality is not natural but arbitrary , how are we to understand the sign 's ability to signify , the capacity of language to generate meaning ?
29 Particularly with insects , whose chitinous exoskeletons make it difficult to consider them in anthropomorphic terms , how are we to discover the extent to which they might be acting intelligently ?
30 But how are we to interpret the symbolism of other cultures ; how can we crack their symbolic codes ?
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