Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [art] [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 Not only is the seat he has held for the past 15 years , in the Yvelines to the west of Paris , now under serious threat , but so too is the whole political future and his dream of a new social democratic movement .
2 I suppose if Rupert had not been a bear he might have been considered prissy , like Noddy .
3 It had been Campion Price , her father , who , disappointed that his firstborn had not been the male he 'd intended naming after his own father , had insisted she bore the feminine version of that name — Georgina .
4 Gina Bellman stars as the girl who may or may not be his demure wife — and who may or may not be a hooker he meets in a hotel .
5 Surely these could not be the ones he had planted ?
6 Jodami proved he is a top-class performer when winning the Newton Chase at Haydock last month , but this race is no walkover and although Martin Pipe 's Chatam may not be the force he was when winning Britain 's Hennessey Gold Cup equivalent at Newbury in 1991 , he should never be totally written off .
7 In 1517 David Cecil took a 21-year lease of land in Essendine at a rent of £18. 3s. 3d. ; not being the freeholder he was not mentioned in the muster , and there is no means of telling whether his global assessment of £46 at Tinwell embodied the profit of this farm which he very possibly sublet .
8 I mean , it 's , like his car for instance , I mean , that 's always been a dream he never thought he 'd ever be able to afford a new car , erm
9 Eismark said he felt guilty because his first marriage had never ended , he said it could never end — das wird nie vorüber sein — and it would always be a secret he must keep from his new wife .
10 He knew the machine like an old friend ( it would probably be the personality he 'd miss most ) , but he still could n't trust it as much as he trusted himself .
11 She spends Christmas wondering if Macho Man really is the pig he is made out to be .
12 The snarl on his face , twisted horribly with contempt , was terrifying to behold but worse was the way he wiped the saliva away from his slobbering mouth with his sleeve and seemed to cast it towards her .
13 If he had n't been a detective he might have been a historian .
14 Surely this could n't be the woman he had seen earlier ?
15 Look , here is the drawing he gave me : see how fine it is , how accurate , how personal …
16 Smith wrote that Coleman ‘ improved the health of army horses beyond recognition … what we have to thank him for more particularly is the lessons he taught on the prevention of disease ’ .
17 Still , he had until two o'clock before he had to go into the College — today was the day he did evening teaching .
18 His twice broken kneecap still bears the scars — for Lawrence today was the test he 's been waiting for .
19 ‘ Dean has told him he would do all his running and Dalian decided here was the guy he had waited for throughout his career , ’ said the Villa manager .
20 All he had by then were the rags he stood up in — and his gun .
21 That at least is the role he plays and it sums up much of his generation . ’
22 Up there is how far away from home he is in miles along there is the time he 's been travelling for .
23 Sight and systems of asphyxia , what , how 's a person he going to look ?
24 His ideas on economic policy , as on other matters , may have been overly simplistic or even fundamentally erroneous , but the fact that he had a vision of the America he wished to bring about was a strength he possessed , one that many other presidents and presidential candidates have lacked .
25 Although Winter said nothing there was no evidence he was in any way party to events .
26 ‘ Will he have sweet or dry sherry ? ’ or ‘ Where is the pain he complains of ? ’ make it your golden rule to reply , ‘ Why not ask him ? ’
27 What sets the true teacher apart is the ability he or she has to relate to children with thoughtfulness , concern and love .
28 Colin Parry , 37 , a personnel officer , wept as he said his 12-year-old son would never be the way he was but they wanted him to live and they would make a life for him .
29 Walking on it safely was a skill he would have to relearn .
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