Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] we know [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It flagged up certain erm items for concern , better that we know than not , not know them .
2 We therefore add a supplement so that we know that the horse is definitely receiving vital micro nutrients ( these are nutrients required in very small quantities ) .
3 so that we know and also it puts the guy in context for I mean these if I remember I mean H M S O are mega bucks buyers
4 A whole range of worms is available to fishkeepers , though some of them are more suitable than others , especially since we know that live foods can be a source of infection .
5 Engineers already knew this , just as we know that the refrigerator will not work if it is not plugged in ; but Carnot 's achievement , when recognized after a quarter of a century , allowed theoretical understanding and in the end further advance in practice .
6 How can we accept Matthew Arnold 's faith in the civilising influence of art , Steiner asks , now that we know that a ‘ man can read Goethe or Rilke in the evening , that he can play Bach and Schubert , and go to his day 's work at Auschwitz in the morning ’ ( p. 15 ) .
7 We need to understand the position of the Sanhedrin , Jesus is really representing great changes in their tradition great a great revolution really and we know that what he was doing was was sort of getting Christianity to grow out of Judaism , but it meant that Judaism had to move to one side .
8 In reaching his decision he founded himself on the only reported case as far as we know that has been decided under this provision ; it is the decision of the Court of Appeal in Brown v Liverpool Corporation [ 1969 ] 3 AER 1345 .
9 After all , evolution has been going on now for about four billion years as far as we know and there are n't very many long-lived organisms .
10 Unfortunately , even if we know that a urinary rhythm is due partly to the body clock , we can not yet be confident about details of the way in which this clock produces the rhythms in renal elimination .
11 Even if we knew that , for example , the 1989 sales were 10,000 copies , what are the levels of sales for 1990 or 1991 ?
12 Now we 're delighted to see you here because we know that the , the G M B shares this view and we know that you 've also been in the forefront of introducing technology , er and we know also that having you here er , having your conference here , helps us enormously to continue this process of raising the profile of the trades unions , the trades council , the labour movement in the city .
13 Erm , so we are particularly pleased to have you here because we know as well that the G M B is in the forefront of erm establishing activity within Europe , one of , one of the few unions I think is that the only unions will have an office open in Brussels .
14 It is , however , easy to become anxious about applying the Technique in our day-to-day lives , even though we may have been shown what to do and even though we know that our ordinary sensory perception may be faulty .
15 Even though we know that comparatively we 're all millionaires .
16 Bob Ewell who is the father of the so called victim , Mayella , is prepared to use his influence as a white to get Tom convicted even though we know that it is Bob Ewell who should be taking the punishment as it is made clear in the trial that he is the person who abuses Mayella not Tom .
17 We are concerned for many reasons about the health of staff , but particularly when we know that illness and disease can be greatly lessened when smoking is reduced or stopped altogether .
18 Prince later wrote to Gould when he was in Australia , complaining that Alfred Newton had been ‘ far , far too complimentary ’ about Lear 's part in the publication , ‘ particularly when we know that most of the subscribers are of the opinion that his plates are almost the only exceptionable part of your work . ’
19 It would take a musical analysis to find out whether the offerings to which these two extremes respond are really worlds apart ’ ( Adorno 1976 : 13 ) , we know that the question implied in the final sentence has already been answered in his own mind , just as surely as we know that he has not done the musical analysis but simply conflated Elvis and … whom ?
20 But the fact is that the government is looking for a huge expansion in student numbers nationally and we at Birmingham are keen to play our part , not least because we know that there are many more people who can benefit from a university education ( as you have done ) than are able to at present .
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