Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [modal v] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though Jaq , in his role as a Trader , pretended to patronize a mistress , the reality was that during his thirty-five years of life he had only bedded one woman — almost on an experimental basis so that he should at least be acquainted with the spasm of sex .
2 He wished they 'd left him the radio mast , so that he could at least listen to some music and pick up the news .
3 Well because the postman had come to empty the letter box , right , so there was no point in mummy putting her letter in cos he 'd of just taken it out again
4 And what he used to do in this , he had a string in the and er he could the string put some some er crumbs in the in the er in a and the birds go in and he used to he used to catch them and we used to kill them and pluck them you know .
5 He had found her — and he used the word much as he might of finding a particularly beautiful sea-washed stone — one late June afternoon the previous year .
6 He climbed a different shelf each day and hid for as long as he could behind piles of books , hoping to catch sight of what he called ‘ the Bookman' ’ .
7 So that an angry customer in Donegal will get exactly the same wording to calm him down as he would in Cork or Wexford .
8 He made as swiftly as he could for the foyer .
9 McLeish , who had a built-in prejudice , well supported by experience , against statements incorporating an appeal to belief , noted dourly that he might at some later stage need to get closer to Yeo Davis 's accounts .
10 But for his act in bringing it there no mischief could have accrued , and it seems but just that he should at his peril keep it there so that no mischief may accrue , or answer for the natural and anticipated consequences .
11 I do n't know but he would n't , he would n't have it cooked aboard there , my mother used to cook it for him and I 'd stagger down in an ordinary shopping basket , in two basins there 'd be vegetables in one and his pudding and gravy in the other and I used to take that down for him and he used to come ashore and he used to then go and have it .
12 It was probably whilst flying high over an approaching enemy that one Goblin got a bit carried away , and steering himself as best as he could with his crude wings , crashed right down onto the enemy army .
13 He had groomed himself as best as he could for the interview .
14 The gaoler was appointed , made his living as best as he could from bribes , favours , anxious relatives and profits from the already meagre food allocation — and was allowed to get on with it .
15 Raising the trapdoor a little more so he could see out , he cautiously pushed out the barrel of the shotgun and checked for any sign of enemy personnel , as best as he could in his limited field of vision .
16 By contrast to the moods of Faldo and Ballesteros , Ian Woosnam , who was defending the title in New Orleans just as he will at Augusta , was close to despair after his final round of 74 .
17 He escaped as soon as he could to the company of her brothers .
18 Bashed your dad 's side , the wing and we could see a policeman putting , it was pouring with rain and he was putting his er , big mac on and he should of been directing the traffic , he told us that , he come over to us and he was only young like and he said , oh I 'd just left , I was on duty here I 'd just left to go and put my mac on !
19 They 'd been out and er I do n't know who they 'd been with like but he must of had a bit to drink .
20 Charles turned to walk as quickly as he could down the steps and away without actually running , when a young woman appeared beside the butler .
21 Jack drove the car as near as he could towards the station building and switched off the faltering engine .
22 This requires him to immerse himself as thoroughly as he can in the life of the community he is trying to understand .
23 ‘ But the trouble is that we do n't know the pattern of the stars here , ’ said Snodgrass , who had sent himself quite dizzy by standing perfectly still and craning his neck as far back as he could in order to see the night sky .
24 He is not so light-hearted now as he used to be — too much responsibility .
25 He would thrust and persuade it as far as he could towards an ending .
26 He felt he had gone as far as he could in the company and learned as much as he was likely to .
27 ‘ I think he ran as well as he could in the circumstances and he 'll go again at Longchamp in two weeks . ’
28 Corydon , speaking as well as he can in Mira 's defence , observes :
29 He would complain as loudly as he would in the midst of a ‘ Carry On ’ situation , and he would talk about it endlessly , but he would do it .
30 A protesting Maltote was roused and ordered to ride as fast as he could to the royal camp outside Bedford .
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