Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 He 's run out of plaster and he 's got an urgent call somewhere where he thinks he 'll need it .
2 But no warning could check Arthur Conway 's fury , and with a lightning leap he managed to grip the young man 's throat , and so fiercely that he forced him backwards , only the next moment to have his arms snapped downwards , when he would have fallen on his back if he had n't come up against the coalhouse wall and , unfortunately , a shovel that was propped there .
3 And I 'd sure see you had a lovely time , ’ he went on with almost too much intensity in his voice , so that he feared he might have frightened her off .
4 The sergeant would go sniffing around so that he showed he knew what you were doing .
5 She told us just now merely that he said he had a gun but you you remember that it is a hand gun .
6 If the trouble spreads far enough and he thinks he can buy peace with a cheap loaf of bread then I should think he will .
7 At the entrance to the Press tent I asked the security man if Toby was inside and he pointed him out in the middle of the usual muddle of desks and papers , with telephones ringing and cigarette smoke drifting , and expletives exploding .
8 Yes , yes , but erm , you know , I have had to say to the chaps , one of them came in and he said he 'd been spoiled down at the cedar and I said oh well , I , I 've been cooking a breakfast for Neil of course by the operation of sods law , Neil suddenly goes off the idea of having breakfast , so I find myself cooking breakfast for this other lump , who is as idol and selfish as anybody ever met in all the born days , and I said to him just recently , I said , I , I ca n't get up and do breakfast 's in the morning any more , well he says he come 's down and does he 's own , you see they can when they feel that they want too .
9 And erm I remember I was I was about fifteen now and my young brother was only a little tot about two I think three and I remember my father came in and he did he went straight for my mam for nothing at all .
10 So if he sells he 's tertiary .
11 Well i if his mate comes in , like he 's got a good mate , so if his mate comes in he releases his mate early so if he releases him early , he could be er it takes him about thirty five to forty minutes .
12 so er is a waste of space so and he works he works for so er that 's stuff it
13 so he said well that 's you down but he said he wanted to cut them back .
14 Mr Brownlow explained that he had run after the boy only because he saw him running away .
15 The condescension there implied that the acceptance was possible only because he knew he would win .
16 Oh yes , he does , but only because he feels he ought to .
17 But long before he reaches him he recognizes him — from the way he 's sitting , sprawled back in an armchair with his feet on a coffee-table , reading an ancient Amazing Science Fiction ; from his spectacles and rumpled hair ; from the fact that he 's taken his shoes and socks off to cool his feet , and tossed them down on the coffee-table ; from the way he does n't look up , even as Howard comes right up to him , goggling head leading the way , unable to believe his eyes .
18 At that point the creditor could still refuse to have the man released from prison and insist of his being kept there , so long as he paid him a groat a day .
19 The homosexual male is fine — is pretty good news , in fact , on the whole — so long as he knows he 's homosexual .
20 Fernandez remembered North breaking down as he told him , sitting in a parked car one night , that Buckley was dead ; David Jacobsen , the last hostage to be released as a result of the arms transfers , recalled North in tears on the aeroplane to Germany , wishing that the other hostages had been freed with him .
21 Izzie left them deep in animated conversation — the monk laughing out loud as he realized he was being lured into an acting profession — and went inside the house to find Gabriel .
22 He was the sort of man who 'd turn up only when he said he would n't .
23 Especially when he knew he could push aside her doubts by making love to her .
24 Charles found it a strain and was relieved when the meal was over and he felt he could decently leave .
25 Same all through but he wants he wants , he wants carpet down .
26 ‘ He says he ca n't remember exactly but he thinks he may have tried to pull out the knife .
27 Shiva smiled sadly and asked why not but he knew he was being unfair to Adam as well as to himself .
28 But what I mean is , he did n't have that high an opinion of himself , just because he knew he could have any one of us for the asking .
29 He noticed Schellenberg the moment he entered , not because he recognized him , only the kind of man he was .
30 Just before he left he opened the door to look at Busacher .
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