Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] you 're [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't look to the right , to the left , or over your shoulder , but concentrate on where you 're going .
2 But in the end er if I can put you somewhere where you 're gon na be happy to work
3 And then you see you come along where you 're pushing them to live on their own and you make suggestions .
4 some support , you 're going in or you 're using one of the policy
5 This is both central management costs and those direct support costs within the divisions , and within the services , that is recharged over provisions of service , so that you 're getting a true cost , in terms of your costs of running the elderly services , the children and family services , so they include both directly man management costs .
6 The important thing I want you to have is , is start on that activity data sheet , get in your discipline of writing everything you do on that sheet and inputting it every week , so that you 're getting actual data as soon as possible .
7 Sort of keep on so that you 're building on that all the time so you think right okay I know how to do capital at the start , full stop at the end , keep that do n't let that go just cos I 'm concentrating on something else .
8 So that you 're having the Gothic set-up in this story to be undermined by common sense .
9 So always treat those in exactly the same way as you would a normal roundabout , so that you 're coming up and always assuming that people should give way etcetera in the manner in which they should unless the roundabout directs otherwise .
10 It is necessary to have a lot of different stages , so that you 're coming to it fresh each time , and I used to find when I was younger that that would mean putting it aside for several days .
11 So that you 're gon na database then .
12 In other words a good mirror signal manoeuvre routine , however you apply it but in a particular order , which gives a discipline , so that you 're keeping yourselves out of the problems that other people may give you if you allow them to .
13 So that you 're keeping up with the fractions .
14 And the same perhaps if you 're exposed over a
15 So basically if you 're going to se , tell somebody they 're a waste of space , it 's not very constructive , it 's personal , and I would n't say it unless you can tell them why you think they 're a waste of space at least .
16 To use this approach well , you need to have the confidence to be able to predict what could happen , without worrying too much if you 're proved wrong and risk appearing vulnerable .
17 ‘ We do n't have long if you 're going . ’
18 I said , ‘ You 're going to get mobbed coming in and you 're going to get mobbed going out , so you 'd better look good coming in and going out ’ .
19 Yeah , but you 've got your feet down and you 're towing summat , and then suddenly it releases , it just goes er forward a bit dun n it ?
20 But obviously if you 're going to do that you 'll have to do it during next week some time On the other hand I could give you a list of five topics and you could choose one .
21 And and er obviously if you 're going to be European properly there has to be a full cooperation in many of the aspects of life How would you answer the these bogey this bogeyman tactic of loss of sovereignty , ?
22 Obviously if you 're having a long-term relationship and you know she 's not shagging anybody else and she 's not on the and she is on the pill .
23 " Only if you 're trying to catch a duke and your mother was a washerwoman , your father a baker .
24 Only if you 're having one . ’
25 as much as anything , but it 's only cos you 're writing a letter , and you say oh hello you writing a letter to mum , he says no I killed her to come here , you do n't put your foot in it a big way , but after a while because you know nobody there is nice it really makes a lot of difference people
26 The bitmaps that come with WAGWIN are all for 640x480 displays , so if you 're using 800x600 or whatever , you will need to make sure you 've got the tile radio button clicked .
27 In fact , the USA is always among the first destination to sell out , so if you 're thinking of going in summer '90 reserve your place A.S.A.P.
28 So if you 're thinking of building an extension , refitting the kitchen , improving the bathroom or starting some other permanent home improvement project , why not ask NatWest for a Home Improvement Loan to spread the cost ?
29 So if you 're thinking of embarking on a Grand Tour , there are worse places to start .
30 So if you 're thinking about selling your house , white is the best choice .
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