Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i say [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 I should have put him down before I said anything .
2 ‘ I do n't think all that much of humans , ’ said Lydia ; ‘ so when I say one does n't quite look like one I do n't mean it offensively . ’
3 He told me that if the police started questioning me they 'd keep on and on until I said something I should n't .
4 Her face twisting with anger and bitterness , she spat at her brother , ‘ Oh , yes , the classic trick — lead me on until I say something really out of order !
5 Secondly , an attitude that is expressed could be an attitude towards the listener ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ friendly ’ way ) , towards what is being said ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ sceptical ’ or ‘ dubious ’ way ? or towards some external event or situation ( e.g. ‘ regretful ’ or ‘ disapproving ’ ) .
6 Secondly , an attitude that is expressed could be an attitude towards the listener ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ friendly ’ way ) , towards what is being said ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ sceptical ’ or ‘ dubious ’ way ? or towards some external event or situation ( e.g. ‘ regretful ’ or ‘ disapproving ’ ) .
7 I was thinking when Daniel was down here that erm Paul you know and all his girlfriends , various girlfriends , for a long time now and I said something to Daniel well you know are you sort of courting yet ?
8 I 'm going out before I say something I 'm sorry for . ’
9 now before I say something about er about er contemporary federalism , let me just er put the other side of the case for a moment .
10 Er but you get the feeling that if he does n't score then as I said nobody else can .
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