Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 I could see , as he sang , the years drop away — so that I knew him : the young and hopeful singer , all the best to come , a bottle no more than something to be cracked among friends .
2 ‘ I watched him in and I watched him leave .
3 And er I gets him down and I gets him into the stable , and I gets all the clothes off him and he gets into a bag , a bran bag , more bags and lay down and covered himself , and I hung his clothes round the boiler fire .
4 In consequence of my suggestion , Harold Wilson asked Aitken and myself to dine with him to discuss the matter and to my amazement Max Aitken said that he would go , but only if I accompanied him .
5 That would be loss enough if I watched him go with only longing for him in my heart but there is instead a bitterness because he is happy to go life there being preferable to here where there is only his tired wife for company .
6 it was n't good because erm I did n't love him and right so , so if I kissed him and met him the next day would I , would I snog , would , would he , he 'd give me the hat so I said yeah sure , you know , whatever , so he goes okay and he like prepared himself and goes no I ca n't do it in here and so I had to go outside with him , snog him , got his hat and pissed off , never saw him again .
7 I said that he could try to put the cube together and I left him with the pieces while I went to fetch some paper .
8 God knows where M F I is in If I get him to drive me round now I 'll remember which way to go .
9 Then I nearly fell over when Hywel walked in because I met him on the mountain and he gave me the eye . ’
10 Merely because I reminded him how unlikely he was to catch an heiress . ’
11 Ten o'clock before I put him upstairs .
12 I had heard about the Dog Man before on my week-long journey from Kirk Yetholm towards Edale — travellers going north had told me as I journeyed south at first that the Dog Man was only three days ahead of me , then two days ahead of me , and then the final group of walkers had told me that it would n't be long before I caught him up .
13 Oh , we 'd felt like this for years but we would n't acknowledge it , and then we started meeting casually and standing talking for ages , but it was only when I met him and he was so upset about the baby and — and other things .
14 Especially when I told him you were highly unlikely to give up the phetam for me . ’
15 He knew that I would never let him marry her , and , besides , he has a girlfriend of his own , so when I offered him money to go away and leave her alone he stood me off as much as he dared , and collected a big enough stake to marry his girl and start a small business , which , he kindly informed me when he left , he intends to turn into a large one , one day . ’
16 So when I met him once I asked him ‘ Why do you do that ? ’ ; to which he replied , ‘ I could n't think of anything else .
17 At night the Temple gates were always closed , but the night-porter let me in when I told him my name .
18 Just that I saw him on a train to London a couple of weeks ago .
19 It 's just that I like him and it 's silly to pretend I do n't for the sake of pride .
20 Not that I fancied him before but .
21 Edwin was a crafty old so-andso and he did n't like his children very much — not that I blame him — so I thought I 'd better get the beneficiaries together and explain .
22 It 's true that extracts such as Phoebe 's ‘ Think not that I love him … ’ from As You Like It ( Act 3 , Scene 5 ) or Viola 's ‘ 1 left no ring with her … ’ from Twelfth Night ( Act 2 , Scene 2 ) may be all too well known to a panel , but I can not agree with an adjudication policy that would ban these pieces from the audition .
23 Not that I bore him any personal ill-will ; it was simply that I knew he could n't stay .
24 Nigh on two hundred yards and running away and I hit him ! "
25 Just cos I beat him in a race .
26 No he said , and I went over and I picked him up anyway , and sat him on , I sat him on my knee and I said we 'll just do some rhymes and I could feel him sort of going mm , mm , mm , like they do all pathetic and whiny , anyway Phyllis arrived and afterwards it was , by then he had calmed down and he was fine and I said wan na read the story now cos he missed it of course when he decided he could n't do without his car , so I said next week perhaps come without your car , I think I 'd won him over by the end but , it was a bit hairy .
27 He wanted to rush round straight away but I asked him to be patient .
28 ‘ I can not because I do n't believe God would change His plans just because I asked Him . ’
29 Just because I left him , ’ she said , ‘ it does n't mean I stopped loving him .
30 Not because I fancy him or anything like that , but because he 's a friend from way back .
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