Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Er er well the engine which should have pulled , the post train , broke down so that went to the works and the engine which took its replacement
2 But my , my view would be that I would er you know investigate this fully and er come forward with a recommendation , but that er my own er thought would be , and I I now take your thoughts , that we should not get ourselves erm launched into a very big , massive erm you know operation of advertising this franchise afresh and going through the whole procedure .
3 He made sure they were both tucked in and went to the door .
4 He did n't even knock but just walked right in and went through the house looking to see if we had anything of value to part with before we could receive any relief .
5 More than any other comfort his delighted kisses in return soothed her and eventually she was able to put him down and go into the kitchen to speak to Teresa about the day 's duties .
6 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
7 There was a car waiting , but because of the fog they abandoned the idea of driving down and went to the railway station , caught a train with minutes to spare , picked up the car that was waiting for them the other end , rang the studio from the car phone to let them know where they were , and ran into London Weekend Television .
8 Resignedly he put his quill down and went to the bedroom .
9 Adam put the phone down and went to the front door .
10 There was no butter around so I jumped down and went to the living room .
11 A sudden sharp ring at the doorbell made Shelley 's decision for her , as they sprang apart , and she smoothed her uniform down and went to the reception desk to see who wanted her .
12 When at last she put the receiver down and went into the kitchen she found that Edward had unpacked the shopping .
13 I knelt down and went through the dead man 's clothing .
14 Subsequently , the floods came down and went over the whole bridge , topping the rails , and it was a tribute to the efficiency of both its design and erection that the bridge withstood this successfully .
15 ‘ He 'd be irradiated if he 'd turned the bribe down and gone to the freight car . ’
16 I rolled out of bed at eight o'clock and went to the bathroom where I turned on the taps for a hot bath .
17 She rose swiftly and went to the cubicle , where a nurse was straightening the bed and she asked , ‘ Where are they taking him ? ’
18 Go , get your mum or somebody to get all your paperwork together and go to the C A B.
19 But the solid Swiss world was no phantom , nor would the solar system cease forging steadily through interstellar space : the sun did swing away from our casement , for all that Mary said , for all our forgetting of time , and the baby awoke and cried ; so that Mary , giving me a langourous look , dressed herself carelessly and went down the stairs .
20 Annie 's voice all but went off the chromatic scale when Kelly told her that she was turning down Ibn Fayoud 's invitation .
21 Sam said to me thoughtfully , ‘ If you had n't stopped me , I 'd have rolled up the curtain so as to go into the dock in a boat , and all that stuff under the water would have slithered away into the river and no one would have been any the wiser . ’
22 Even as a child growing up in the Fifties , she and her sister , Marlene , preferred to spend their sixpence pocket money on animal welfare classes run by a local RSPCA inspector rather than go to the cinema .
23 Was it the sort of chemist that erm was it the sort of chemist that you 'd go in if you 'd got something the matter with you and rather than go to the doctor , they would sort of dole out something for you ?
24 Rather than go to the school ?
25 Rather than go onto the Cairngorm plateau itself , this walk passes through The Queens Forest and to the summit of Meall a' Bhuachaille .
26 In 1940 he had been quite prepared , if need be , to serve in a dangerous capacity in the ranks because he felt he could be more useful in such a rôle at that critical moment in the country 's affairs , rather than go through the extra time and training there and then for a commission .
27 And fourth , having been caught out it would have been wiser to brazen it out immediately , as do the Israelis , rather than go through the tedium of Tricot 's inquiry .
28 Rather than go through the entire process again in a later session , it would make more sense to take it up at the point where it was left off in the previous session , if desired .
29 Chairman , if I could just er , erm , some words that are n't included in this pa paper , I understand that the Deregulation Bill is published on the eighteenth erm , and presented to Parliament for the first reading , erm , it 's still far from clear what 's going to be said in it , but erm , it 's still widely expected that in fact , on major contentious issues will in fact be the suggestion that sections of Acts of Parliament will , could be revealed by ministerial order rather than go through the parliamentary process again .
30 Managing director Prabhdyal Sodhi told the hearing Dixon conspired to alert the health authority rather than go through the proper channels and complain to management .
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