Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The proper approach should be to convict D of the aggravated offence only where he knew that V was , or might be , a police-officer .
2 But he then swung the other way , especially once he discovered that the appointment of a new British prime minister was a possibility .
3 He lived the part of a blind man so much so that he tripped and fell after leaving the set and damaged the cornea of his eye because he had trained himself not to blink !
4 Whitlock kicked out at the man , catching him on the leg so that he overbalanced and fell against the wall .
5 She twined her arms so tightly round his neck that he almost choked , pulling him down so that he overbalanced and fell on top of her .
6 so immediately he knew if that comes I choke , if that comes I 'm blind
7 ‘ His father pointed them out to him often enough and he knew that things would drop on him from a great height if he put a foot wrong . ’
8 or his father , was inside and he got and he got his MP on the job
9 They review this possibility annually and he explained that when they have identified children who will go back they let them go into mainstream school for at first a morning and then one day a week .
10 ‘ He was screaming at me , ‘ Get outta here , my son 's in Vietnam ’ and then the local sheriff came in and he shouted that his son was in Vietnam and why was n't I in Vietnam ?
11 An alternative view is that the accused is guilty only if he foresaw that he might not be able to redeem the article .
12 The ocean carrier , therefore , was deemed to warrant to the consignor safe transport and delivery and could avoid liability only if he proved that something in the nature of force majeure had intervened .
13 And he never had any hesitation in using his reputation to reach the most unapproachable people personally if he thought that conservation would benefit as a result .
14 So if he survived and Mom died then — do n't you see ?
15 Especially if he spotted that it was the third time , for Miss Postlethwaite and me . ’
16 His Halifax , W1041 ‘ B ’ , has also been shot down but he survived and escaped via Sweden .
17 The costs were escalating alarmingly but he felt that he was too far committed to stop .
18 If this were ever done , then unless some other constituency took him on board in time for the general election , or perhaps unless he stood and won in his constituency as some kind of independent Labour candidate with at least PLP support , then , on the declaration of the result in his constituency , he would lose any right to remain Prime Minister .
19 It took him a considerable time to do so but he succeeded and left a deep mark on Korea only equalled or exceeded by his arch-rival , Kim Il Sung in north Korea .
20 Stalin adhered to the agreement because he wished to maintain satisfactory relations with the United States if possible and perhaps because he felt that sooner or later Korea would fall into the Soviet sphere in any case .
21 Tess seemed like a queen to Clare , perhaps because he knew that she was the most beautiful woman walking about at this time of day .
22 ‘ Do n't talk to your mother like that , ’ said Brian , merely because he felt that he should .
23 But was he under any duty to do more than he did merely because he knew that the money was intended ultimately to be lent by the father to the son ?
24 It had been a very unhappy time for him , especially since he knew that his advancing years prevented him from getting a job as a carman .
25 No doubt it was very vexatious to Lanfranc , especially since he doubted whether their so-called saints deserved this title at all .
26 He joined Guilsfield Amateur Dramatic Society but it was not long before he decided that his interest lay in production .
27 It was n't long before he reappeared and swiftly removed his haversack , bags and boxes from the back of the cart .
28 Then she said , ‘ Eduardo , ’ because it did n't matter much whether he knew or not .
29 It had become so much a matter of routine that when she answered he came close to putting the phone down before he realized that all he 'd heard was , ‘ Hello . ’
30 Much as he wished that Aunt Tossie might keep her mind on the Form Book , where their interests in beating the Handicapper ran together , he had nevertheless acceded to her insistence on a party , a small house party , for Nicandra 's first real ball .
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