Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Harbury tried to grab the apparent opportunity but Wickham neatly turned the conversation so that Shildon was able to go on where he had left off .
2 It had worked very well last night with Fräulein Hubert , better than he 'd hoped , but he ought to be careful until his plans were all consolidated , then he could dump Ingrid and carry on where he 'd left off with that lovely little thing .
3 Dillon and Mann L.JJ. held that he had erred in English domestic law , because he had misunderstood the Hoffmann-La Roche case as extending to local authorities a privilege which belonged to the Crown alone ; and furthermore that he had erred in Community law because , since it is the duty of the national court to ensure the legal protection which persons derive from the direct effect of provisions of Community law , it was necessary to require an undertaking in damages to protect any current right which Wickes might have , by virtue of article 30 , to open their doors for Sunday trading .
4 When I did emerge to eat , he remarked gloomily that he 'd managed to stick them to the bottom of the pan .
5 Having written a fairly scathing account of this approach in draft , I sent it to John Austin Baker ( as I have also sent my account of their work to Christian feminists whom I discuss in this book for comment ) only to receive a delightful letter from him which rescinded much that he had written , explained that he had been given the title , and essentially agreed with my criticism !
6 Hope walked back into Grasmere even more thoughtfully than he had left it .
7 So although he has gone to some trouble to leave tracks across his own land at Highgrove specially for the local hunt , the Beaufort , he hardly ever joins them .
8 The question for Iavolenus therefore is whether the period of sixteen years was supposed to be for the benefit of the trustee ( so that he could enjoy the income from the estate in the meantime ) or of the estate itself ( so that it would fall into the hands of the testator 's son only once he had reached the age of responsibility ) .
9 For someone she had met only once he had had a remarkable impact on her .
10 So once he 's paid the first payment by the fifth of January .
11 She closed the door after her no less gently and purposefully than he had done , and snatching off her shoes , ran silently up the two flights of stairs to her own room .
12 On her return the mother had screamed aloud that he had killed the child .
13 Williamson felt he had a special bond with Hitler , and even at times imagined aloud that he had spoken to him on that fateful Christmas day .
14 Was n't it enough that he had violated her ?
15 If the tone was a little condescending she did not complain ; it was startling enough that he had brought himself to say it at all , and so he must have felt , for he coloured to the brows .
16 A quick spin of his ‘ Sweet Freedom — The Best Of ’ compilation album of a few years back is proof enough that he has had many hits in his home patch without making similar in-roads here .
17 He once told Earl delightedly that he had spotted Abrams at an airport but Abrams ( perceptiveness not his strong suit ) had not spotted him , and that ‘ his tradecraft of observing was better than Elliott 's ’ Secret agents carried gadgets with which they could speak to headquarters from the most unlikely places ; once , at a party , North was said to have produced a scrambler-telephone from his briefcase , together with a half-eaten sandwich , and to have gone out into the garden to dial the house .
18 It had worked very well last night with Fräulein Hubert , better than he 'd hoped , but he ought to be careful until his plans were all consolidated , then he could dump Ingrid and carry on where he 'd left off with that lovely little thing .
19 Simpson could see that they knew each other much better than he 'd presumed .
20 Klein advanced Gentle five hundred pounds to pay the rent on the studio , and left him to it , remarking only that Gentle was looking a good deal better than he 'd looked previously , though he smelt a good deal worse .
21 In fact , rather better than he 'd seemed the last time I 'd seen him .
22 He was holding up even better than he had hoped .
23 He curled up tight and slept better than he had done all year .
24 Lucy Lane had been working in his team for three years but he felt that he knew her only a little better than he had done after her first month .
25 Nicklaus , now 52 , was one of 12 players to break 70 with a 69 , a score matched by not only Bernhard Langer and Steve Richardson , of the Europeans , but also Woosnam , who began his defence of the title much better than he had expected .
26 The entire plot had worked even better than he had dared to hope .
27 He was staring at the lake , regretful perhaps that he 'd said too much not to say more .
28 Lewis was markedly less exclusive and less austere ; but he had once borrowed a copy of Eliot 's verse in 1926 from John Betjeman , then an unsatisfactory Oxford pupil , and it had enraged him — so much so that he had organised a cabal to write spoof verse in the Eliot manner to introduce into his quarterly Criterion .
29 He wondered whether she had come alive again so that he had had to kill her once more .
30 It seems that during the 18th century in the beautiful city of Cambridge , the leading livery stable was owned and operated by one Charles Hobson who had made a small fortune in renting cabs and carriages to the gentry , so much so that he had acquired that lovely house and property known as Anglesey Abbey for his country residence .
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