Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i really [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But only when I really want to .
2 It was n't as though either of these men had led me to expect anything , gave me anything to hope for , it 's just that I really liked them , particularly the one I encountered later on .
3 Not that I really expected them to ; I could hardly expect the Umpire to side with me so soon .
4 He frequents a seedy restaurant — ‘ You see this wretched tavern I spend all my time in , and I enjoy it , or rather it 's not that I really enjoy it , but one must have somewhere to perch ’ : this is the form which the Dostoevsky no-home takes with him , likewise the transpersonal motif first voiced by Marmeladov in this novel , that a man must have somewhere to go .
5 Thing is though it 's not that I really care about him personally , you know it 's not that I 'm thinking oh it 's a real shame , but it 's just , and usually if , if people are complete dicks I think well er you know , sod them
6 Not that I really wan na stop !
7 I do n't like doing movies anymore but I really enjoyed this , ’ and he did come up with a very eloquent retraction , which no one printed . ’
8 On Ferry Road , within sight of Fettes School 's preposterous spire and only minutes from the police HQ , I have the first cigarette of the day , not because I really want it , just to feel bad .
9 I remember taking a girl out once and I really did fancy her — oh , she was beautiful .
10 Thankfully , I decided to go home before I really cracked up .
11 I 'd read it when I was doing my A levels at the crammer , but it was only now that I really appreciated it .
12 You are checking up on me , finding out if I really exist ?
13 I 've been working here for seven years now and I really enjoy my job .
14 I 've been championing the suppliers ' cause for some time now and I really feel let down .
15 ‘ But I came late into the first-class game , I 'm 28 now and I really want to be in the big time before I end my career . ’
16 I hope she ai n't far cos I really want to change my trousers and take off my mac .
17 But there are times like now when I really miss
18 But it is about ten years ago that I really got to work .
19 ‘ Hampshire have been so good to me since I was a youngster here that I really want to win something again for them , ’ he says .
20 they saw our house Friday , and they rang me up , and I said look , you know , I 've got , I 've got my exams today and I really do n't want to come up unless you see something , if you do , I will come up because they reckon it 's a joint effort , if we 're gon na live together , we 've all got to see it and make a contribution to looking at the house .
21 I felt and this is the bit I like , I , I some I , I used to set this at one point in the examination question and ask people to guess which American president said it I 'll read , I 'll read it to you measures otherwise unconstitutional might become lawful if indispensable to the preservation of the constitution through the preservation of the nation just , I 'll just get the essence of that , measures otherwise unconstitutional might become lawful if indispensable to the preservation of the constitution through the preservation of the nation ninety percent put Richard Nixon er no one put Abraham Lincoln er cos he was one of the good guys right or wrong I assume this ground I could not feel that to the best of my ability I had even tried to preserve the if to save James Buchanan is essentially the Pontius Pilate of American politics he says yes these are very acute problems er and very difficult er and I 'd like to help but I 'm sorry I ca n't and I really do have to go off and wash my hands now erm and , you know , you carry on and when you 've resolved it tell me what you want me to do and I 'll ,
22 But it 's good , do n't get me wrong , it is well well but I really do n't think you need it .
23 ‘ I 'm sorry to bring my troubles here but I really did n't know where else to go . ’
24 The butler went off , there was no butler then so I really helped with the with the with the with the food and all that you know .
25 But then if I really did n't enjoy it , I would n't do it , would I ? ’
26 It 's another question as to whether I can do it on stage , but at least it happened , at least I know I can get there if I really try hard enough . ’
27 I could I know about there if I really want to but no way I could do it .
28 I 've just got it going again and I really have to make the effort .
29 If you say , ‘ I keep thinking you might take some LSD and have a bad trip and get scrambled-egg brains and never be the same again and I really love you the way you are , ’ that 's fine because you 've confined yourself to what you know and what you feel .
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