Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] it [be] very " in BNC.

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1 Well you either put one bar on or the lot is on or it 's very dim like this is low and you ca n't see it at all .
2 But if this station youth centre is to continue , and I think personally that it is very important that it does , and that it develops .
3 It was always chilly at the school because the building was made of stone , rather like a castle , and was perched on the top-most peak of a mountain , surrounded by pine trees which grew so close together that it was very damp and gloomy .
4 it comes in and it 's very , it 's very useful .
5 And erm it was erm like silky material so it looked really , it , it was n't chiffon it was erm no it was sort of satiny silky , it was n't real silk but it was like shiny stuff , and it sort of went in , in and it went a V down there and then it like flowed down and it was very short and because it was a si but it d it was n't tight , I mean it sort of clung , it showed her waist but it did n't , you know , it exaggerated her waist but it did n't like it did n't cling anywhere else really and it just looked quite , it was flowing and it was , it was really smart and it was , I , the sort of erm the material would be erm sort of almost like und er like my pyjamas that , it was that in black kind of halfy satiny silky stuff .
6 It 's still , they , they ca n't afford to shut it down but should they shut down cos it 's very , a lot of the works safety standard .
7 A change in kind will always be material , e.g. from a house to a shop , but a change in degree of existing use may be ‘ material ’ only if it is very marked .
8 Take care when removing the surround , especially if it 's very old , as it can be sold if it 's in good condition .
9 I mean it 's a team of people who get along and it 's very , very hard to do .
10 I think so but it 's very out of date though .
11 You 've got to pick the crews and personnel who will get on reasonably well together because it is very much living in one another 's pockets . ’
12 If a very serious offence was reported , the Detective Inspector was , well he used to go to deal with it personally because it was very important .
13 Only when it is very dark will he come out to feed on tablet food .
14 Therefore , though musically it is excellent for the voice to exploit its complete range , from a practical viewpoint we should use the ‘ comfortable ’ zone more than any other , and venture into extreme ranges only rarely , and then only when it is very much to the point .
15 As far as these cats were concerned , I have little doubt that nothing but positive r reinforcement would have been given because if they had been punished they simply would n't have done it , and they would have run away and it 's very much more difficult as a as a performer to have an animal w is n't going to want to do the act .
16 Not if it 's very frightening . ’
17 We all have to make Randolph feel welcome and we have to work extra hard tonight as it is very dark and windy , ’ he said .
18 The drives we put on against New Zealand were things that we had worked on and it was very satisfying to see them coming off , not just for the forwards but for the backs as well .
19 Yes you have , you wiped the jelly one off when it was very new .
20 The conclusion that DCF is correct conceptually and , contrary to the arguments of Hayes and Garvin , Hill , and others , does not have a short-run bias may not be very useful practically if it is very difficult to estimate the future benefits to be derived from the project in cash-flow terms .
21 Ken , though , liked it enormously and it was very close to the Globe .
22 For an elliptical crack Inglis 's stress concentration factor is : Though this was calculated for an ellipse it turns out that it is very nearly accurate for any sharp re-entrant or notch .
23 Of course we only support a tiny proportion of the proposals put to us , mainly because it is very difficult to create new and revolutionary approaches .
24 not attached really because it is very sensitive
25 In the winter when it 's cold it works more slowly now when it 's very hot it will , should work more quickly .
26 and know full well that it 's very difficult for them to pay
27 In my opinion the qualities mentioned are sadly lacking today and it is very refreshing to meet somebody like John who is so conscientious .
28 It happens frequently and it 's very disturbing .
29 Yet democracy , both in ancient Greece and in the politics of the past two centuries , has never been achieved without a struggle , and that struggle has always been , in good part , a type of class struggle , even if it is very simply characterized , as it was by many Greeks , as a struggle of the many poor against the few who are rich and well-born .
30 you know trying to find an assistant cos there was n't one walking about cos there was some at the tills but there were n't any walking around and it was very busy , there were lots of people going through the tills .
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