Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] it [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Saltglazing involves introducing salt into the kiln at a very high temperature so that it volatilises and coats the clay .
2 The female releases them by reaching forward with her hind leg , inserting her longest toe into the sac entrance and pulling it so that it enlarges and her young are able to clamber out .
3 But then to do it well , so that it all sounds extremely natural — so that it flows and sounds effortless — that requires a long preparation , which everyone at La Scala was happy to give it .
4 Remove a small quantity of butter from the fridge so that it softens and is easier to spread , then spread it very thinly on bread .
5 The pluralist perspective makes no attempt to criticise British politics , and it chooses to bend democratic theory in a conservative direction so that it justifies and defends the established order .
6 They then fan the water so that it evaporates and in doing so lowers the temperature .
7 Lavender is slightly tender , and will be better able to survive if grown in a warm sunny position and dry , well-drained soil so that it ripens and matures thoroughly before winter .
8 Erm one wonders whether that 's erm wise in the long term because once you 've closed down a coal mine of course you ca n't er re-open it very easily because the roof falls in and it floods and effectively you have to start again from er from scratch .
9 Erm providing you get the right products at the right price down and it 's and it 's er it 's been it 's done ethically .
10 As the first axe cut into the Tree , a great wailing cry of agony rent the thick stifling heat of the workshop and Nuadu knew at once that the Tree had been taken down while it lived and while the naiad still dwelled within it .
11 Especially as it melts and forms a
12 On both her outings Silk Slippers has thrust her attractive nose in front just where it matters and in so doing has established herself not merely as a valuable stud prospect , but an exciting candidate for next year 's 1,000 Guineas and Oaks .
13 Not just because it enhances and enriches a relationship , but because there are positive medical advantages too .
14 Not just because it enhances and enriches a relationship , but because there are positive medical advantages too .
15 To light it at arms length and then to stand well away while it fires and never return to a firework if it does n't seem to go off .
16 ‘ Our league campaign this season was over before it began and I could offer a lot of excuses but wo n't .
17 The warblers ' own young are turfed out of the deeply cupped reed nest by the cuckoo chick soon after it hatches and the foster parents find themselves feeding an enormous monster with a huge red gape and insatiable appetite — a monster which will eventually grow to three times their size .
18 His statement hung like an arrow in the air , just before it turns and begins its fatal descent .
19 Once the Tunnel opens — or maybe just before it does and before the French realize what 's going on and think up a way to stop it — he 'll sell them for maybe a thousand times what he 's paying for them now . ’
20 As I sat there with metal ticking away as it cooled and steam rising around the engines , I tried to open the door only to find it jammed .
21 As I sat there with metal ticking away as it cooled and steam rising around the engines , I tried to open the door only to find it jammed .
22 I was telephoned at home as soon as it happened and when I arrived everyone was here , police , fire brigade , the gas board and the bomb squad .
23 Too many coaches want to impose a technical straightjacket on their pupils , which can destroy them more than it improves and helps them .
24 They do this mainly as eggs , and then hatch out and develop rapidly once it rains and a pool forms .
25 Runs off and it sulks and she sulks when you tell her off she just sulks she wo n't look at you she wo n't talk to you .
26 And it ripped about a quarter of the roof off before it finished and the slates but er still good .
27 After it is painted onto the wood it sets very quickly as it cools and the joint is soon firm .
28 About four hours came home when it rained and then it stayed dry
29 In November 1984 the UKCC addressed the professions directly when it published and circulated the second edition of the Code .
30 He does n't buy the suit and then ask later if it fits and if it is what he wants .
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