Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And right where she did n't expect it in the black universe was another dark space , solid with hidden meanings , difficult to see , alien to her comprehension .
2 Erm , where the ball is n't in the socket properly or it does n't
3 If you 've truly got nothing better to do , let's forget the charades and carry on where we left off … eh , my love ? ’
4 I propose we carry on where we left off , unless you never want to lay eyes on me again , of course . ’
5 Once Chapman had gone there was no one with his dynamism and far-sightedness to carry on where he left off .
6 I took on where he left off … what have you done for me ?
7 In 1990 it came of age , in 1991 it carried on where it left off with a superb Easter opening at a cold and windy Donington Park , England …
8 The back row simply carried on where it left off against the Welsh with the indestructible McBride , Robinson and O'Hara repeatedly first to the breakdown .
9 ‘ I 've only got to the end of the year but my family will be carrying on where I left off .
10 A total of 40.7% of respondents chose their last holiday on the basis that they had done the same before and enjoyed it ; 19.7% went somewhere where they had always wanted to go ; and 17.9% went on a word-of-mouth recommendation .
11 You do seem to enjoy watching nude bathers , so do n't you think it would be much better for everyone involved if you went somewhere where they did n't mind being watched ? ’
12 The problem is that the man seems to have been shot indoors , somewhere where he felt sufficiently at home to take his jacket and tie off … ’
13 Rent a nice little flat somewhere where you know exactly what your outgoings are — where you know you 're not responsible for anything .
14 Er they do n't move us on or they do n't move me on in my thinking , and they do n't lay down the charge , cos they 're predictable and and they 're using .
15 The towpath proper did n't start until a few yards further down where it angled away from the road and followed the river ; here it was marked by a narrow strip of waterside grass and trees that would immediately raise the cost of any overlooking property by at least ten thousand .
16 A dwelling for the living or a tomb for one 's ancestors should be sited only where it harmonizes completely with the forces of nature .
17 It is unexportable , because prescription , the inherent authority of that which has always been so , is a writ which runs only where it has always been so and amongst those amongst whom it has always been so .
18 But Roberts discovered that it did not matter much where he grew up when he was driving through Southwark late one night on his way from work .
19 So we 're more or less where we left off last November .
20 Which is more or less where we came in !
21 Francis used to imitate the Abaconian speech , dropping aitches from where they belonged , slipping them in where they did not .
22 On occasions , wage pressure exploded in very sharp increases , especially where it had previously been compressed by incomes policies .
23 Some of the work the Aborigines have produced is quite beautiful , especially where it has n't been corrupted by commercial interests . ’
24 Being submissive is the co point where what happens when you 're submissive you keep it inside you do n't feel you 're worthy enough or you have n't got you have n't got the self esteem to rate yourself as being able to have what it is that you want , so you keep it inside and you do n't say anything and then you walk away should 've said this and should 've said that and all it does is eat away at you and it does that to you physically as well I mean scientific tests are already showing now that physically these sort of things you do if often be submissive enough what that does it pretty much helps helps you to eat your body up from the inside and causes physical problems which pretty much do that anyway .
25 erm But it basically comes down to the attitude that people have , if the government was , or whoever owns the forest , private ownership , or whatever , controls what the loggers do , I mean it 's their forest it 's up to them to control what the loggers do and do n't do , and whether they let cultivators in or they do n't let cultivators in .
26 you coming in or you staying out ?
27 Each meeting ends with the moneymen all saying things like I 'm in or I want in on this or You got it or Let's do it .
28 When he moved abruptly to cover her , to force a place for himself on top of her , levering her legs wider to open her body to him , his coarse , muscled weight was a blissful assuagement of hunger , a hunger burning through her so fiercely that she felt almost faint …
29 He stood at the bottom of the steps and looked up at her so fiercely that she stopped halfway down and felt quite uneasy , wondering exactly what she had done wrong .
30 I 'll take it home well and you can have , well there 'll be nowt bloody said at our house after five o'clock so you do n't
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