Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adv] and i " in BNC.

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1 M M My Lords , i it is important that whatever is taught to a child between the ages of five and eleven that the child is able to benefit from it educationally if the child is , is overloaded as it were by being presented erm a curriculum that they simply can not manage , then that 's going to create confusion , but it 's also important to say that one of the erm er objectives of this whole exercise is to underpin all education , both morally and spiritually and I believe we 're doing a great deal to get that right .
2 Can I just say a few brief things to this , firstly , I share their concern entirely and totally and I do n't think there 's an officer round this table who would n't agree with that , and I also believe , having met with all the board members this morning , I know that the board members similarly agree .
3 You 'll have to sooner or later and I reckon this storm 's set in for hours .
4 ‘ I had to come sooner or later and I thought it 'd be easier with someone else here . ’
5 So you got ta get away and underneath and I have n't got the rer rer the socket spanners that would do it , so well I have n't got a spanner let alone a socket ones that would do it !
6 to go backwards and forwards and I 'll try this I think yeah and the last time you say was in September
7 Could I take er , a minute and , and just try and look at the steps that you 've gone through and I , I tried to write down as you were doing it , giving your presentation , the steps which I think everybody eventually went through either formally or informally and I think if we look at these steps you 'll agree yes , I needed that and I did that or , we did n't do it formally .
8 And er I 'd got a key to get in from the works into the office once I was inside , but that was access to the works you know and er I er I en I enjoyed it more or less and I must say the firm , to some extent , looked up to me and I 'd only got to have a damned machine stop , where the girls was working on this machine , and the bobbin shop and all that sort of thing , and I was able to go look er , down and say look here I want this .
9 er if it 's people give you things like reference lists and reading lists , I mean sometimes that 's the most confusing thing to be given because you do n't know , I used to think you were supposed to read everything on them er and I actually tried doing that once or twice and I could n't find stuff in Aston library so I ran up the er town library and went to Birmingham University library and then I got back the next week and I realized that I was about the only person who 'd actually done that and other people had n't
10 I have n't done , I 've been invited to go once or twice and I
11 I was eight years old when he died ; his death affected me deeply and profoundly and I miss him still .
12 Images kept on coming at me which , like a crazy horse , I tried to resist , defiantly tossing my head high , but each new picture flashing into my mind enraged me more and more and I shook my head frantically from side to side .
13 And , no , they had n't done anything racist up until then and I goes casually , do you like Bob Marley ?
14 I go to the odd fitness class now and again and I try to eat fairly healthily though I do succumb now and again to the odd take-away .
15 I would never go out like what Tony was saying you know he does n't drink at all and like he 'd be in a pub maybe seven days a week but I would take a drink now and again and I might n't go into a pub once in a month maybe .
16 The butcher lets me have a pound of dripping now and then and I can make it last .
17 No the rail , I 'll check that out today or tomorrow and I 'll be able to say , to say on Monday .
18 I kept wandering around for a few hours , with no idea where I was or where I was going , then somewhere along the line I chanced upon an open space where there was the odd bench scattered here and there and I used one of these for my lie-down .
19 so we put it under there and round here and everywhere and I went over to on Saturday and erm crumbs she said you look , you look really good , I thought
20 And by the end of the two weeks I was just slapping paint here , there and everywhere and I painted over all the locks and things like that , because I did n't really care too much about it .
21 Which is that if we take these cards , instead of dropping in one at here there and everywhere and I doubt if anyone will take much notice of one , maybe I 'm a bit personally interested in , if I say could we all drop them in at Prestos in Rougier Street ?
22 Cos he said oh I should 've just hit him there and then and I said yeah instead of fucking hanging about and pissing your mates off , you know what I mean ?
23 I would be putting everything I needed into the horse box until about ten o'clock and at about half past ten my horse and it 's tack would be in there as well and I would be on my way with my day to an eleven thirty meet at a pub nearby .
24 I have seen the effect of the struggle on him intellectually , emotionally and physically and I have seen the affect on his family life .
25 Up and down and over and over , again and again and I 'd marvel at the bulk of prayer they made in any one day .
26 ‘ Luckily it was n't malignant but it affected me mentally and emotionally and I was a bit of a mess .
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