Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [prep] [art] end " in BNC.

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1 As the result of lengthy investigations into the Duzme Mustafa revolt , Mehmed Sah was implicated in that affair ; and , Husameddin relates , " Molla Fenari grieved greatly that at the end of the investigations , in the year 832 , Mehmed Sah Efendi passed over the bridge of death together with Candarlizade Ibrahim Pasa and the Grand Vezir Haci Ivaz Pasa . "
2 He once defined the Anglican doctrine of apostolic succession to several Lutherans so that at the end they could be heard saying ‘ Hear , Hear ’ .
3 First , just two appear at the front end as distinct blocks of tissue and then , about each hour , another pair are added behind them and a wave of formation proceeds backwards so that at the end of a few days there are 46 somites .
4 What really happened was that he had to climb a length of rope which had mattresses underneath it so that at the end of each take he could simply drop to the ground in safety .
5 A guessing game goes on with the diviner responding to the client 's cues so that at the end of the consultation , the client departs with all his worst suspicions amply confirmed .
6 For the next two years after that , it increased at 2s a year , and during the seventh and last year of apprenticeship it moved more quickly , so that at the end of the seventh year , the by now 21-year-old man could be earning more than double his wage of a year before .
7 Such conflicting views or theories of style will concern us for the remainder of this chapter , but rather than argue that one view is wholly superior to another , we shall try to harmonize the apparent conflicts , so that at the end of the chapter , we shall have worked through to a balanced view of what stylistics is about .
8 Yet both collaboration and conflict usually worked to the detriment of the church , so that at the end of Edward 's reign clerical morale and independence were seriously impaired and dangerous fissures were becoming apparent between the clergy and laity , and between Englishmen and the papacy .
9 If papal provisions worked in some instances under John XXII to the disadvantage of the king , the pope endeavoured where he could to satisfy the king 's wishes , so that at the end of the reign far more bishoprics were occupied by civil servants than in 1307 .
10 So that at the end of the five years , assuming you 've paid the maximum stake at seven and a half percent , you would , otherwise you would receive the nine thousand back of course , and at that rate you would receive two six seven one and that will include , if you 're a twenty five percent payer , six hundred and sixty seven that you would have otherwise lost in , that would have gone out in tax .
11 Well we do n't want no all we want is one so that at the end we want from each group to go to another group to be marked .
12 Mr Edwards also detects caution in employers who are recruiting : ‘ They hire people for a specific period , maybe one or two years , so that at the end of that time they can decide whether or not to renew their contract or make them redundant .
13 Every day bank deposits are withdrawn and fresh deposits made so that at the end of each day liquidity for each bank will be different from that at the beginning .
14 so that at the end of the time we just say right so an so , we split it down the middle
15 So that at the end of the day one has a much more rounded individual with of course specific talents .
16 So that at the end of the day one has a much more rounded individual with of course specific talents .
17 His largest fault , perhaps , and one natural to a good hater , was a congenital inability to accept that mortal creatures hold incompatible views and behave in ways incompatible with their views , so that to the end of his days he declined to accept any difference between holding a speculative opinion that is evil and being bad .
18 In many countries this process had a cumulative impact throughout the 1970s so that by the end of that decade the difference between the price paid to farmers for a crop and the price charged to distributors was highly inequitable .
19 By the beginning of 1942 rapid expansion had taken place , so that by the end of that year there were some 3,293 staff of all grades , of whom 1,566 were service personnel and 1,727 civilian , and by the time that I had been there for a year there were over 5,000 in all .
20 During the course of the seventeenth century , despite the reaction against puritanism which followed the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 , this point of view became increasingly influential , so that by the end of the century it had come to be generally accepted .
21 I received treatment on my injury every day in Edinburgh , so that by the end I was recovering well .
22 After the siege there was a rapid polarisation of opinion within the city , which resulted in the absorption or departure of the remaining Polish gentry , so that by the end of the Napoleonic Wars Danzig and Pomerania , though still containing a very substantial number of Poles and Polish-speakers , were considered loyal to Prussian ideals and identity .
23 This increased as the use of the parish coffin began to wane , so that by the end of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth , the parish coffin had practically disappeared .
24 Inevitably , these sociétés became ever more specialized and less accessible intellectually to the layman , so that by the end of the nineteenth century the universal sauvant had effectively disappeared .
25 William Dement woke six subjects in this systematic way over a period of six nights , and found that on the first night they did seem to " start all over again " whenever properly woken , so that by the end of the night they had achieved a good deal of slow wave sleep and very little REM sleep .
26 In fact , during pregnancy , she becomes able to ingest and utilise more of the necessary substance than is required by the child alone so that by the end of pregnancy she will be better off for such substances as nitrogen , calcium etc. than she was at the beginning .
27 Humiliating reverses and exorbitant costs combined to amplify the message of the pacifist so that by the end of Edward 's reign wherever one looks disillusion with war has displaced the zestful and righteous belligerence of the earlier years ; now preachers , poets , chroniclers and prelates utter words which are gloomy and despondent .
28 In a brief period of energetic expansion , Samuilo enlarged his empire , from its centre in the Prespa/Ohrid area , so that by the end of the century it extended from the Black Sea to the Adriatic and into Greece , even as far as the Peleponnesus , although the Aegean port of Salonika successfully resisted his attempts to occupy it .
29 They attracted increased attention soon after the Roman conquest , so much so that by the end of the first century the great sanctuary and classical temple dedicated to Sulis Minerva , together with the bathing establishment , had been fully developed .
30 If you do , I 'll forget every agreement we ever had , and I 'll fight you with everything I 've got , so that by the end you wo n't have a shred of reputation left — ’
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