Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun sg] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Erm so that way as well like you know .
2 Some people are capable of doing better and will if judiciously kicked into it .
3 Yet even in those halcyon days the signs of trouble were there for those with the will to see them : the multi-media and multi-disciplinary avant-gardes were beginning to show up every NEA programme area ; the clamour for the funding of life-styles rather than art as traditionally defined was becoming louder , and the accepted definitions of art and the arts were everywhere coming under attack in grant applications as well as in panels .
4 There was all sort of icing on and cream as well .
5 I was gon na say about she stoops to conquer she 's also doing what 's best because sh she like , knows what she wants and like that , erm and she 's trying to stop her father from getting him chucked out and stuff as well .
6 Sub-paragraph 13 of paragraph 12 provided that all written statements made under caution should be in accordance with Annex D , paragraph 2 of which provided that where a person wished to write his own statement , he should be asked to write out and sign before so doing : ‘ I make this statement of my own free will .
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