Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb infin] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He described one , a boy who was glad to come in and sit for him , and bring his spade .
2 Perhaps she would say : ‘ Jack is not at home , but you are welcome to come in and wait for him .
3 When Mr George was said he did n't want to give evidence , the judge , Mr Justice Auld , said he had a duty to give evidence … he should sit down and prepare for it .
4 ‘ Forgive me , my darling , ’ he requested with such charm that she was ready to lie down and die for him .
5 I would have enjoyed them even more had I not been about to faint every ten yards , but I was in far too bad a mood to tell my colleagues to slow down and wait for me .
6 I 'll go down and wait for him , so he wo n't have to ring "
7 But if she did n't take it back he would only come along and ask for it She was surprised he had n't already .
8 War may not be an overall preference ( Lenin was particularly fond of Clausewitz 's remark that the aggressor would prefer to walk in and occupy a foreign territory peacefully rather than fight for it ) ; but if it is the most effective way of achieving an aim , it is necessary to pursue it .
9 However , imperfectly practised , this approach at least recognises that health care intervention must supplement that of the parents rather than substitute for it .
10 This in turn depends on the relevance it has , how important it is to them not to get pregnant , and how easy emotionally and practically it is to go somewhere and ask for it .
11 I shall come in every day to clean up and cook for them .
12 But when Fei Yen made to get up and pour for him , Tsu Ma took the jug and went round himself , filling their cups .
13 If they wants chips and stuff they can go out and pay for them themselves
14 " If you want something , you have to go out and work for it .
15 The most obvious way of discovering archaeological sites is to go out and look for them — but this is not quite as simple as it might seem .
16 I 'll have to get out and look for it , he said .
17 And just as the shepherd had to go out and look for it , and search for it .
18 I could sit back and wait for him to break through media censorship .
19 I think we should go back and look for it .
20 But the men from the Midlands had enjoyed themselves so well , they decided the engraved glass trophy should stay in Scotland to give them the excuse to come back and play for it again !
21 At such times his friends would gather around and pray for him .
22 Look , you 'll have to sit here and wait for me , all right ?
23 Did you think I would sit here and wait for you to kill me .
24 The 1910 dispute , which is particularly well documented in the press as well as in manuscript sources , enables us to see that on this occasion at least , the women did not stand by and wait for it to be resolved over their heads .
25 He was working in the parks just now so he was back in , and apparently he 'd had to go round and baby-sit for them the night before .
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