Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb mod] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Now , of course , the word processor or computer can take over much that used to be printed .
2 Well , apparently that used to be the official advice er and , and we were correct in that but the authorities have now changed their minds and they no longer want us to pour waste chemical down the drains and I gather that the official advice now is that surplus diluted chemical should be poured , and I 'm quoting here , on to more or less level and bare soil in the garden or on to level gravelled paths , avoid disposal in areas around ponds , erm water courses and so forth , dishes and , and what have you and as far as undiluted chemicals are concerned , that 's stuff still in the bottle , the advice there is to talk to your local authority cos they have different regulations in different areas .
3 The problems of social research are themselves difficult enough and ought to be approached in the spirit of treating them as sociological and methodological problems rather than philosophical problems .
4 William Malloch tries to prove that Haydn 's and Mozart 's minuets are being played much too slowly and ought to be rendered at considerably faster speeds .
5 Now we used to clean the bottom up cos used to be a big boiler in the dredger and erm we used to close down every six weeks , which they used to call blow the boiler down , that mean that they open the valve and the heat used to take all the water into the river , so er , that used to be blown down Friday night , come Saturday morning we 'd start at six o'clock and chip all the fur off inside the boiler , cos the boiler was made with all and what we call the crown , that used to be the two furnaces , cos they 're double the big boiler were a double furnace and we had to chip all that fur off them , well it used to take us now from six o'clock in the morning or say seven when we got there had to go down the tug and er go down the tug and erm , then we go aboard and strip off .
6 I ca n't ever see the factories coming back that used to be with , you know they 're all be smaller work loads now
7 Erm , Jane 's twenty six , and before that used to be a hairdresser , as you can tell .
8 Well that used to be all the rage once , did n't it ?
9 The new rules as to exchange of witness statements ( CCR Order 20 , r 12A , SCR Order 38 , r 2A ) will require some witnesses to be seen much earlier than used to be the practice .
10 If he does then that ought to be bad news for McClair .
11 And then course that used to be different , er used to be different size timber two by sixes , four by twos , inch by one , er inch by ou I mean inch
12 But if there are more than about 12–15 words in the unclassifiable group , and your children are older than 9 , then look again more carefully , because you have probably put words there that ought to be in a different category .
13 His father did n't like talking about it much either and used to be slightly dismissive and jokey about it all .
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