Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [v-ing] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 She just stays in and working and the whole family come round to her house computer room
2 At times this caused quite a scuffle , especially when we tried to insist on lumping several together and pretending that the result was a nation , albeit a federal one — rather in the same way as the parliamentary managers of the eighteenth century used to bribe Scottish peers by the batch , half a dozen or a dozen at a time .
3 Counsel for the defenders submitted essentially that the Lord Ordinary had erred in law in concluding that the declaration in the application form was part of a contract between the pursuers and the Alliance Building Society to which the provisions of the act applied , rather than concluding that the declaration was non-contractual in character and accordingly not caught by the provisions of the act so far as applicable to Scotland .
4 But nowhere were they more pronounced , and rather than fading as the economy developed they appear to have been becoming deeper in the immediate pre-war years .
5 Just as the pure scientist , from his [ or her ] early training , absolves himself [ or herself ] from the uses to which his [ or her ] discoveries are put , rather than seeing that the discoveries themselves are inescapably linked to an economy on which he [ or she ] depends for support , so the applied scientist accepts that others define the goals that he [ or she ] has to achieve rather than seeing that his [ or her ] own means or technology itself presupposes a social order , set of priorities or goals .
6 As the Press Commission put it in 1977 ( p. 149 ) , ‘ Rather than saying that the press has other business interests , it would be truer to argue that the press has become a subsidiary of other interests ’ .
7 However , by February 1991 , this deficit was shown to be rising rather than falling and the government introduced austerity measures [ see p. 38113 ] .
8 Being a notable actress , she is just as compelling when the doubts have been sown : this Elsa , after singing a glorious , apparently contended Third Act duet with Völker 's sovereign Lohengrin , becomes appropriately disturbed and hysterical .
9 First they begin a political offensive , propagandising widely and saying that the Cuban people oppose Communism …
10 The new deviance writers went further than suggesting that the appearance of crime ( on which positivists built their theories ) was in fact the product of the criminal justice system .
11 Some historians go no further than saying that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II ; but others have stated that Molla Fenari was appointed Mufti in the year 828/1424–5 .
12 Yes , it boils down to a lot more than ensuring that the innocents are clothed and fed .
13 The 1909 Royal Commission on the Poor Laws found that for widows the first recommendation of 1871 was generally observed , some Boards of Guardians going further and insisting that the widow maintain two children by herself before any relief was given , while others refused relief to healthy able-bodied widows no matter how many children they had .
14 The second half of the project is concerned really with how on earth we get such program to work , such programs are very complicated , they interact in various odd ways , and getting the bugs out , getting the problems out or debugging as the jargon has it , is a really serious problem and we hope to make some advance on the problem of erm developing programs for such distributed multi-processor systems .
15 The episode had become part of family lore , as well as suggesting that the best place to be was Trazior itself .
16 The children visit the church and learn to look at it and describe what they see , and this is in itself a valuable exercise ; but it becomes more valuable still if as well as noting that the fabric is stone , they are provoked to go on to enquire what type of stone , is it all the same stone , why were these types of stone Preferred , where do they come from , and how do they come to be what they are ?
17 5 UDR in Whose district the incident took place , immediately became responsible for cordoning the area in order to create a safe space within Which the specialists from the Royal Army Ordnance Corps , Royal Engineers and Royal Ulster Constabulary could work , examining and collecting forensic evidence , as well as ensuring that the remainder of the line was clear of any further devices .
18 An increasing number of directors of sponsoring companies are beginning to ask ‘ What did we get for our money ? ’ when they so often see players to whom considerable appearance fees have been paid , losing limply in their first or second round matches and , even worse , then turning round and implying that the only tournaments they really take seriously are the Grand Slams .
19 For me it is one of those quite special moments in life , not at all knowing what lies ahead but trusting that the future of each one of us lies in the hands of god .
20 The question of justifiability has been considered by the courts in a number of employment cases , where it has been construed most recently as meaning that the discriminatory effect of the requirement or condition must be weighed against its ‘ reasonable necessity ’ for the purposes of the business enterprise in question .
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