Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [det] [is] just " in BNC.

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1 If the spinal cord is severed at any point , it will be evident that the messages can not get through and this is just what does happen in cases of severe spinal injury etc .
2 Er but based upon the surveys that we conducted in er nineteen eighty nine which is the basis of the traffic forecasts , er on and that is just twelve hour two way flows , we have a total flow on the A sixty one north er entering Harrogate of sixteen thousand three hundred vehicles .
3 Anyway that , that I mean lack of experience , lack of knowledge and , put that down to , probably but that 's just another story .
4 So I ca n't go away in the autumn now cos that 's just when everybody 's start you know raring to go and wanting to get started on next year 's programme .
5 Now if you 're saying ‘ ah , but we do n't exclude them really and that 's just the small print ’
6 because the kitchen was n't large enough and er , and the two plugs in the kitchen as well and that 's just not good enough
7 ‘ Darlington and SouthWest Durham pioneered the concept almost two years ago and this is just an extension of that , ’ said Mr Smith .
8 ‘ The girls are doing their bit here and that 's just as important as going in the WAAFs or the WRNS .
9 Wall-to-wall hit songs tell you why and that 's just the first act !
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