Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Further information was contained on and used by the payroll system which was not contained on or used by the PMIS and vice versa It was therefore decided that the updating procedures for the Payroll Master File and the PMIS should be kept separate at this stage .
2 Expenditure is permitted only where authorized by a candidate , a candidate 's election agent , or a person authorized in writing by the agent .
3 The statement , issued jointly by thirteen out of nineteen governors in the federation , was a newsworthy event by any standards , and yet it was either played down or ignored by the FRCN and NTV .
4 Subject to that obligation , the LTE was under a duty to exercise and perform its functions , in accordance with principles laid down or approved by the GLC , in such manner as , and with due regard to efficiency , economy and safety of operation , to provide or secure the provision of such public passenger transport services as best met the needs for the time being of Greater London ( section 5 ) .
5 Cheques debited in the cash book but not yet paid in or credited by the bank .
6 Where a report by us is to be published , it is our policy that important information supplied by the directors , and for which they are responsible , should normally be included in or endorsed by a Board Memorandum .
7 For instance , the various ownership rights of the capitalist class will be enshrined in and protected by the laws of the land .
8 The semantic theories argue that the description just given is realized in and enforced by the very vocabulary of law , so that it would be a kind of self-contradiction for someone to claim that the law provides right s beyond those established through mechanisms sanctioned by convention .
9 That William and Mary Prince and Princesse of Orange bee and bee declared , King and Queen of England France and Ireland and the Dominions there unto belonging to hold the Crowne and Roy all Dignity of the said Kingdom 's and Dominions to them the said Prince and Princesss during their lives and the life of the Survivor of them and that the Sole and full exercise of the Regall Power be only in and executed by the said Prince of Orange in the Names of the said Prince and Princesse during their Joynt lives And after their deceases the said Crowne and Roy all Dignity of the said Kingdoms and Dominions to be to the heires of the body of the said Princesse : And for default of such Issue to the Princesse Anne of Denmarke and the heires of her body .
10 In the cases that I have mentioned everything is in order — all the forms have been filled in and returned by the contractor , the work has been completed satisfactorily — but it is a long time before the cheque is processed and the contractor paid .
11 Desiccated liver is approximately 80% protein and is easily broken down and absorbed by the stomach .
12 He was a politician and a financier , well-known in his time ; but we remember him today because on the 15th of September 1830 , at the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway , he became the first person to be run down and killed by a train ( that 's what he became , was turned into ) .
13 A boy knocked down and killed by a car near Denton Burn , Newcastle , was named yesterday as Jonathon Kelly , 12 , of Southview , West Denton .
14 With 92 other offences taken into consideration , including arson , blackmail , three sendings-off and a professional foul , Proby was sent down and dismissed by the club .
15 These sections will be broken down and explained by the lecturer , and further understood in your reading .
16 The pivotal notion of Spandau prison being pulled down and replaced by a supermarket was one which greatly excited Brenton , signifying at a stroke both Western Europe 's descent into cynical consumerism and the wiping out of history .
17 At the same time Gwalia House was closed down and replaced by a quaint shop in the historic market town of Shrewsbury .
18 He was knocked down and injured by a horse when the rider lost control while riding too fast .
19 The answer , I think , involves a partial refutation of the interactionist position : crimes do share an intrinsic quality — they involve the knowing transgression of rules laid down and enforced by the state .
20 It is perfectly conceivable that we can make some general statements about the conditions that influence our self-indulgence or self-restraint in relation to rules laid down and enforced by the state , particularly when the nature of those rules and the way they are enforced are included for consideration .
21 Lim 's sources of information were seen to be much more effective than the Army 's compromised intelligence gathering network , as evidenced by the fact that four of the chief rebel officers captured since the coup attempt had been tracked down and arrested by the police .
22 After the psychological hyperrealism of the early chapters of Ulysses , the text is taken over by a bewildering variety of voices and discourses — parodic , travestying , colloquial , literary : newspaper headlines , oratory , women 's magazines , pub talk , operatic songs , encyclopaedia articles , and so on ; while the narrative level of the text is full of gaps , non sequiturs , anticlimaxes , and unsolvable enigmas , and the chronological order of events is broken down and rearranged by the operations of memory and the association of ideas in the consciousness of characters .
23 Alone and burdened by the guilt
24 In particular , the floating charge is practicable only if created by a body corporate , there is a separate system for the registration of company charges , there are distinct statutory procedures for the enforcement of the floating charge , certain provisions of the Insolvency Act 1986 affecting company charges are unique to corporate insolvency , and the floating charge can be used tactically in order to veto the making of an administration order .
25 When the party is in government and the party leader is prime minister , the election shall take place only if requested by a majority of the party conference on a card vote .
26 The only modification offered by Law in response to the outcry from Unionist free-traders was that food taxes would be imposed only if requested by the Dominions ; after his talks with Borden , there was no doubt about this anyway .
27 Technically , unless accepted by the Speaker , a resignation from the Assembly became operative only if approved by the Assembly as a whole , which was due to remain in recess until September .
28 They will contain the pre-emption provisions and possibly a list of matters that can be dealt with only if approved by the holders of a certain class of shares ( if not included in the subscription and shareholders ' agreement ) .
29 Veljko Kadijevic on Sept. 12 rejected an order from Mesic ( the nominal commander of the JNA ) to withdraw troops to barracks within 48 hours and reiterated that the JNA would act only if ordered by the Presidency as a whole .
30 There are a number of companies dealing with media only and represented by The Association of Media Independents but they tend to be highly specialised and are unlikely to take any inexperienced person .
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