Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] that [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Once again the control cleavage pattern reappears very slowly so that at several sites the reaction is not complete even after 30 minutes .
2 So much so that on several occasions when obliged to contact him on police matters , Markby had found him positively obstructive .
3 He liked marriage so much that despite all the difficulties of his first attempt , when he met you he decided to try it again .
4 The wind came so swiftly that within half an hour we were reducing sail , taking water over the deck , and beginning to lumber into a building seaway .
5 Robbie was terribly tempted to ask how he would describe the glamorous-looking Petula , so perhaps it was just as well that at that moment they came in sight of the first lock .
6 The trouble was that it did not necessarily sell well so that in some cases , such as that of the Burgundian lord , Guillaume de Châteauvillain , both he and his family , who acted as guarantors for the payment of 20,000 saluts which he had agreed to pay when captured by the French in 1430 , faced financial ruin .
7 The courts decided readily enough that in this instance the offence is one requiring proof of mens rea ; ‘ the gist of the offence to my mind lies in the intention with which the thing is done , ’ as Darling J. put it .
8 I know very well that in many cases this is in the mind of the palaeontologist rather than in the rocky facts themselves .
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