Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [modal v] not be " in BNC.

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1 However , despite contact with patients between one and three times per week , the unmet needs in groups C and D suggest that certain community nurses either may not be carrying out the assessment tasks effectively or may not be reassessing clients adequately .
2 A warrior will plant his spear outside one of the small huts to indicate that he is inside and should not be disturbed , but I ca n't imagine Claudia , chic Parisienne , et cetera , allowing her relationship to be semaphored in this way from outside her own hut .
3 Dragonflies have two pairs of wings which have simple joints to them : they can only move up and down and can not be folded back .
4 The effects of the inversion decreases southeastwards and can not be seen at all in the south of Quadrant 53 .
5 To have such ‘ scientific knowledge ’ of , say , the facts that man is the only animal with a sense of humour , that gold dissolves in aqua regia , or that triangles have angles equal to two right angles , is to know that these things must be so and can not be otherwise .
6 Just as , for the Aristotelians , knowledge or scientia has to do with necessities , with what must be so and can not be otherwise , so , for Locke , ‘ knowledge ’ is universal and certain .
7 They can not do so and should not be asked to try .
8 The application forms shown in the pack are specimen forms only and should not be used .
9 Four of the 128 patients studied were excluded because H pylori was identified in histological specimens only and could not be confirmed by culture or CLO test .
10 These are for illustrative purposes only and can not be guaranteed by Midland Life .
11 First , the models are one-dimensional only and can not be applied to a real solid .
12 Here thoughts about Lucy and about gems are active together and can not be given a satisfactory literal translation describing exactly the degree of similarity between Lucy and a gem .
13 When he was alive , if she had to go somewhere that might not be safe , Tom went with her .
14 By far the most effective arrangements presently available are those which : ( 1 ) provide for the continuing partners to have the option to acquire the share in the firm of an outgoing partner ( which overcomes the tax problems noted in Chapter 10 and offers some desirable freedom of manoeuvre to the continuing partners without ordinarily causing any disadvantage to the outgoing partner ) ; ( 2 ) finance the purchase of the share of a partner who dies before retirement by way of insurance effected on the lives of each of the partners the proceeds of which are declared to be held on trust for the partners for the time being ; ( 3 ) finance by endowment insurance the purchase of the shares of partners whose retirement can be predicted ; ( 4 ) ensure that in any case which is not or can not be sufficiently covered by available insurance ( eg payments to a partner who is expelled or who otherwise leaves the firm before normal retirement date ) payment of any capital sum is spread over a period so to reduce the burden on the continuing partners without imposing any great hardship on the outgoing partner or his estate ; and ( 5 ) impose on each partner an obligation ( Clause 14.02 ) to take out adequate ( as discussed with all the partners from time to time ) retirement provision for the benefit of himself and his familyso as not to impose any burden in that respect on the firm , which in former times would have accepted responsibility .
15 The court will set aside a decision if it is taken by someone who is not or can not be appointed as the expert .
16 We feel ‘ responsible ’ ( which really means that they are not or should not be responsible ) , and believe that they should be taking matters more easily , accepting their situation and peacefully ‘ enjoying ’ their last years of life .
17 ( 4 ) If the provision of a specimen other than a specimen of breath may be required in pursuance of this section the question whether it is to be a specimen of blood or a specimen of urine shall be decided by the constable making the requirement , but if a medical practitioner is of the opinion that for medical reasons a specimen of blood can not or should not be taken the specimen shall be a specimen of urine .
18 Are there any reasons why a specimen of blood can not or should not be taken by a doctor ?
19 Can a constable , when authorised by section 7(3) of the Act to require a specimen of blood or urine ( and absent any medical opinion that for medical reasons a blood specimen can not or should not be taken ) , lawfully require the provision of blood ( or urine ) alone without , in speaking to the suspect , making reference to the alternative ?
20 In this case it will be obligatory for the driver to provide the specimen which the constable decides to require , either blood or urine subject only to this , that if the constable requires blood but a medical practitioner is of opinion that for medical reasons a specimen of blood can not or should not be taken , the obligation on the driver will then be to provide a specimen of urine instead .
21 Again , on the face of the statute , I can not see any reason why in this case the constable should do more than tell the driver the reason under section 7(3) why breath specimens can not be taken or used ; tell him that in these circumstances he is required to give a specimen of blood or urine but that it is for the constable to decide which ; warn him that a failure to provide the specimen required may render him liable to prosecution ; and then , if the constable decides to require blood , ask the driver if there are any reasons why a specimen can not or should not be taken from him by a doctor .
22 He was away and would not be back for two weeks .
23 Peter also commented that the MIG-15 currently sitting in a corner of TFC 's hangar is only transiting through and will not be flying with TFC .
24 NEIL RUDDOCK leads out Spurs at champions Leeds tonight and will not be fined after being sent-off against Crystal Palace on Saturday .
25 Whether the proposed scheme will deliver the net benefit claimed in terms of the quality and quantity of teacher supply has been the subject of extensive comment elsewhere and will not be repeated here .
26 The information system is the major link between adviser and client , without which a bureau could not and would not be allowed to continue to serve the public .
27 In his meeting with Anand on Sept. 22 , Chinese Premier Li Peng said that relations between the two countries were very good and had not and would not be affected by domestic changes in the two countries .
28 We really do belong in the Second Division but this should not and need not be so .
29 The second was that force could not and should not be used to maintain Communist authority in Eastern Europe .
30 As with all professions , medical and pharmacological competence can not and should not be taken for granted , as evidenced by the frequency with which new drugs are introduced and then withdrawn from the market after proving to be harmful , even fatal in continued use .
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