Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [modal v] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But even the happiness Mother and Father felt at being able to live together under the same roof at last was tinged with sadness , because they both liked Stainmore very much and would have preferred to stay in the area .
2 Sure you know it 's , it 's a high fence but we could try to jump in and would have done the other , the farmer came with a stick and er he Useful know , no
3 Those shown in the brochure are for guidance only and may have changed since we went to press .
4 Those shown in the Flight Timetable are for guidance only and may have changed .
5 Then one of her aides came along and must have thought from the name Adams that I was a nationalist .
6 Although he was obviously placed carefully on to the sofa , the freshly pomaded hair is awry and could have benefited from a comb prior to being photographed .
7 Middlesbrough came more into the game as an attacking unit as the match wore on and could have won .
8 The sloping wings were originally squared off and must have made the house look even taller .
9 I hate rushing off but Should have brought another tape .
10 Mr. Speaker : I am sure that the Leader of the House has listened carefully and will have noted what has been said on this important matter .
11 The same waves reached Hawaii in the central Pacific less than 5 hours later and must have travelled at a speed of 740 km per hour .
12 The bit has various clefts cut out and would have served quite an intricate lever lock .
13 Hung Feng-Chan danced round the front of the horse , trying to grab the halter , but Li Yuan shouted at him angrily and would have waved him away were he not clinging on dearly with both hands .
14 A pair of keen black eyes burned fiercely in their sunken sockets , and as she met their sardonic gaze she drew back and would have fled , had not the servant been close behind her .
15 You can always look back and say " What if " , but we must remember that we got ourselves out of a couple of scrapes on last two days and for a time we looked absolutely terrible , but we turned it around and could have won .
16 He or she will also know local churches well and should have worked out in advance the best setting for family photographs , special effects and romantic pictures .
17 John Gorman says … they were disappointed with the result but they played well and could have won … the spirit is good in the team and the support from the fans was brilliant
18 John Gorman says … they were disappointed with the result but they played well and could have won … the spirit is good in the team and the support from the fans was brilliant
19 Glenn Hoddle says he thinks his team will win because there is a determination running throughout the club and the supporters who were robbed three years ago and could have gone on for another fifty or sixty years waiting a chance like this …
20 The Leader of the House is here and will have heard what has been said .
21 Highfield came back strongly and should have scored in front of the posts but lost possession their hooker was held up on the line , their only reward was a penalty from their captain Terry Dillon .
22 OO am and would have saved several people much time and hassle .
23 Olive was born there and might have stayed in Ireland for good but for the civil unrest created by the Irish demands for home rule at the time .
24 At Charles s shoulder , the Sergeant visibly moved , took a pace forward and would have taken over the interview , but Charles felt his authority was being diminished rapidly enough .
25 Baulked through my lack of means of anywhere that would have corresponded to my Aunt Anna 's notions of gentility or my own aspirations , I found myself in an area of bleak but populous streets lined with smoke-blackened tenement blocks south of the river .
26 I began to tremble violently and would have fainted , had he not grabbed me by the elbow and guided me to a low wall , where I slumped down .
27 On the other hand , there were those who gave up work reluctantly and would have preferred to have kept on working , but for reasons of health or lack of alternative employment chose early retirement .
28 Whatever John 's mother may have thought about his likely lack of application when he wanted to study music , once he decided to learn ballet he took it seriously and must have worked hard to make up for a late start .
29 Data accumulated subsequently suggests that the M 52 could have been flown safely and might have given the British aircraft industry a commanding lead in supersonic fighter development .
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