Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [conj] they had " in BNC.

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1 Educationally , girls work harder and do better than if they had still been in school .
2 Into the Home territory beyond they had to go fairly warily , but less so than if they had been a weaker company , not because of fears that the Homes would betray them to Dunbar but in that they were always jealous of their declared rights to decide who should enter their country and what they should pay for the privilege ; but two hundred and fifty well-armed men in tight formation carried their own safe-conduct , and they rode through without challenge .
3 The increased dose they would get from having Hinkley C on their doorstep , according to Jeremy Western ( a manager from the Board 's Health Physics department who confidently fronted the radiation case ) was less than if they had simply moved from one part of Britain to another — where the ‘ natural ’ background radiation happened to be higher .
4 Again it took a little while for them to calm down and when they had , Bartlemas , with mock solemnity , handed the envelope to Jacqui .
5 When they had reached St Matthew 's church he had followed her inside as naturally as if they had set out together that morning .
6 They swirled together as though they had been stirred with a spoon .
7 They had claimed containers of worms found in their car had been dug in an unprotected area elsewhere and that they had stopped at the bay to gather mussels .
8 He cleared the formidable Aintree fences as easily as if they had been hurdles .
9 In this way there was in human history a cumulative build up of knowledge and success in adaptation to the environment which made human beings very quick to adapt to new problems — much more easily and quickly than if they had depended only on genetic transmission .
10 But if both players accept this logic and defect , they end up worse off than if they had co-operated .
11 The French settlements along the river St. Lawrence had no such attractions ; the peasant farmers who settled along the river were probably better off than if they had stayed at home , but they could not produce enough revenue to support the fairly lavish military , civil , and ecclesiastical establishment that had been set up there as well .
12 Town 's drugs are often made in Britain , flown to the Far East or some other convenient staging post and then brought back on the next night — to be sold more cheaply than if they had never left Britain .
13 ‘ He told me they had auditioned a lot of people back home and that they had five names in America that they were auditioning , and I was the first that day .
14 Also that the children of the La Mane Centre would not live happily ever after until they had killed Dr Adams .
15 ‘ Did you want me , Myra ? ’ she asked as calmly as if they had been discussing the weather and not within an ace of making either love or war .
16 A girl emerged from the dairy with a pan of milk and was instantly surrounded by the stable cats , mewing pleadingly as though they had not caught a single mouse for days .
17 He knew little more about her now than when they had first encountered each other in the abbey ruins on a blustery August evening less than six weeks earlier , had for a minute stood and gazed and had then moved silently towards each other in a wordless , amazed recognition .
18 Young children went to lace-schools from the age of five upwards and after they had reached twelve they were expected to earn their keep .
19 Apart from being baked hard by the heat of the lava , these sediments were quite undisturbed , and had been carried bodily as smoothly as if they had gone up in a lift .
20 She was apt to confuse the past with the present , talking of events that had happened forty or fifty years ago as though they had happened only the day before .
21 This method of cultivation protects the growing plants from late frosts and builds up heat in the soil so that the potatoes are ready to be lifted 2–3 weeks earlier than if they had been grown conventionally .
22 They seem to think they 're special in some way , almost as though they had the right to choose whether they 'll cooperate or not . ’
23 Individualised programmes , alternative activities and simplified worksheets , when they are directed at certain children can cut them off from their peers as effectively as if they had been withdrawn .
24 They claim that this age is far worse than previous ages , and they go on as though they had learned nothing at all from history — and yet history is the great teacher of life ( magistra vitae ) .
25 ‘ You see , ’ he went on as though they had been talking all afternoon , ‘ I had no idea until this morning that you were in the same state as I. ’
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