Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [vb base] him " in BNC.

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1 While one may whizz straight through the enemy , and another might stall in front of your Mob , the other one is bound to end up somewhere where you want him .
2 But the money gets nicked , so the one who 's married , she goes and robs erm a store and then , they , the policeman pulls them over and wants to take them in so they lock him in his boot .
3 Far more so if we suppose him additionally capable of such advanced functions as listening to prayers and forgiving sins .
4 A Goblin Big Boss has the advantage of being cheap and he will do almost as good a job , especially if you give him the Crown of Command to raise his leadership to 10 .
5 God knows where M F I is in If I get him to drive me round now I 'll remember which way to go .
6 " I 'll hold him down while you kick him , if only we can find him .
7 Many 's the time I 've been about to introduce the top of the bill , when from behind the curtain the urgent whisper , ‘ He 's pissed — fill in while we sober him up , ’ has stopped me in my tracks and left me out there telling gags for an hour or more while the star is force-fed black coffee .
8 Ten o'clock before I put him upstairs .
9 And I have no doubt that it wo n't be long before we see him in a Bearcat .
10 ‘ So long as we get him out ’ — Cameron was still cagey .
11 You can place him just where you want him . ’
12 It 's just that I like him and it 's silly to pretend I do n't for the sake of pride .
13 Edwin was a crafty old so-andso and he did n't like his children very much — not that I blame him — so I thought I 'd better get the beneficiaries together and explain .
14 It 's true that extracts such as Phoebe 's ‘ Think not that I love him … ’ from As You Like It ( Act 3 , Scene 5 ) or Viola 's ‘ 1 left no ring with her … ’ from Twelfth Night ( Act 2 , Scene 2 ) may be all too well known to a panel , but I can not agree with an adjudication policy that would ban these pieces from the audition .
15 Not that you suspect him because you do n't like the look of him walking the streets — he 's got to be a suspected person .
16 No not cos they like him you know .
17 The social worker I had at the time kept coming to see me in Low Newton and saying , ‘ Do you not think it 's best if you get him adopted ? ’
18 Moreover they are interesting ; it is to the reader that characters have to matter , and they will not unless they interest him .
19 Well they ca n't pick him just because they like him .
20 Not because I fancy him or anything like that , but because he 's a friend from way back .
21 ‘ Yes , because of Steve … not because I love him as you think but because I care about him and … caring is just as emotive as loving .
22 cos you know he was that shattered he was falling asleep downstairs before I put him in his cot , so it was a case then of putting him to sleep in his cot
23 God set this Iain Og on the hot hob of hell for a thousand years — but not before I catch him ! ’
24 Everybody 's afraid of him now , and they run away when they see him .
25 And if we if if we ring up , he puts he just puts the phone straight down , soon as you tell him who it is .
26 As soon as you 've him collared what does he do ?
27 I 've had to go back up in to him , yeah , but I do n't know what happened last night , I do n't know whether he was not quite tired enough , erm , he must of got up as soon as I put him down and started sort of moaning then I went into the girls and I sorted them out he started screaming he did , so I had to go to him in and lay him down and making him lay down
28 ‘ He 'll leave as soon as I pay him off . ’
29 He gives back a lot more than we give him .
30 The man who gives a boat party knows in his heart that his friends like his yacht more than they like him : he is lonely and restless in their company .
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