Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] feel the " in BNC.

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1 It 's basically that we feel the group has to be thrown into different circumstances if it 's going to be stimulated , if it 's going to change .
2 In The Secret Sharer , the narrator-reader relationship is objectified by the use of " I " , so that we feel the observer as being a separate identity from ourselves , however much we may be invited to share his vision .
3 Sometimes she would climax first , sometimes he , and on good nights they would explode together so that they felt the same tingling in the very tips of their toes and even then he 'd had to remember to withdraw — just in case .
4 He 'd go to her , gather her to him so that she felt the hardness of him against her .
5 Chief Inspector Deacon Billingsley raised his right hand and victoriously , patronisingly and very gently , patted my cheek so that I felt the cold touch of his heavy gold rings .
6 We have enjoyed great success together but I feel the chance to be published on both sides of the Atlantic by HarperCollins is an exciting stage in my career .
7 Charlie began to kiss her again , this time more gently as he felt the corner of a beer crate jab into his buttocks .
8 His tale was verified by another member of the party Hawick 's B international hooker Jim Hay , who recounted that his fellow Teri , Jim Renwick , had been so intent on chasing and tackling the electrifyingly quick Eric Rush that he had failed to notice a helicopter land on the pitch and it was only when they felt the down-draft from the rotor blades that they put on the anchors .
9 But he did not mind God saying it , especially when he felt the kindly grip on his shoulder .
10 It 's just that we feel the human body can take so much and the English season is a long and punishing one as it it .
11 I will do , not that I feel the gavel-bashing toastmaster was in order by repeatedly calling for ‘ gentlemen ’ to cough up money for raffle tickets .
12 Without taking his eyes off the stacks of machinery which shielded the glimmer from direct sight , Craig walked quickly backwards until he felt the entrance hatch to the Power Bay thump into his shoulder .
13 It confused her , that contact , and she broke away as soon as she felt the solid deck beneath her feet .
14 ‘ I know what was happening as soon as I felt the familiar ache in my lower back and a rush of blood , ’ she says .
15 The exploration ne the exploration of needs by open probes erm confirming by visual er conceptualization using PEGGY use whatever tools you have available at your armoury but do n't move on until you feel the guy is either totally not committed to do something or sufficiently disturbed to do something .
16 Now he was touching her again , but only because desire had renewed itself , and she was helpless in the grip of a wild excitement once more as she felt the erotic plunge of his tongue filling her mouth and a tormenting finger drew sensual circles round her navel .
17 It ended up where I felt the whole world was on my shoulders .
18 He pressed nearer and she felt the hardening in his loins .
19 O stared , he did n't know for how long , at him and his outstretched hand , wondering whether to gasp it , fill it with change , or knock it away ; and then he looked up , because he heard his train coming and also because he felt the hot wind on his face .
20 Her eyes widened involuntarily as she felt the virile power of him against her , but his expression remained unchanged .
21 Obediently she slid her arms inside the coat , suppressing a yawn , recoiling instantly as she felt the firm touch of his hands brush her shoulders .
22 ‘ I mean — ’ Biff 's tongue was loosening now that he felt the pleasant glow of heat at the back of his skull .
23 She was just about to call out when she felt the iron grip of an arm clasped round her throat .
24 So please if you feel the need that you need to speak to somebody , please go out of the Conference .
25 The Department 's submission should press the Region 's case to be the Unitary Authority for Lothian , even if we feel the Government is against it — they have not proved the Region is inefficient or ineffective and other parties may turn to the Region 's support .
26 Even as he felt the danger of his need sweep over him , he perceived another danger beneath it : he let the pleasure of her carry him off , but within his pleasure 's flow a small bitter seed remained , as it were stuck between his teeth , offering him warning .
27 I seized that bloody pole , swinging the barge round even as I felt the water beneath me slop and gurgle as if maliciously laughing at me , waiting to embrace us in its frozen grasp .
28 ‘ I think it is , ’ she said suddenly , and her heart beat fast as she felt the hatred burn in her eyes , directly at him , her mouth a tight line , her body rigid with anger .
29 Wasps captain Mark Rigby gave way , even though he felt the pitch was perfectly playable , a view shared by all the journalists at the ground .
30 He refused to put in central heating , even though he felt the cold badly .
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