Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] give me " in BNC.

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1 " I shall do so until you give me leave to be more familiar . "
2 Especially as I went in and he gave me those brochures .
3 And I went down and he gave me a letter , he says Take your wife in to the general hospital with this letter .
4 I want to stay here and live with Miss Honey and she says that I can but only if you give me permission !
5 Only if you give me my money first , my allowance .
6 So if you gave me six as the input , what would I do with it ?
7 She has , she has but she 's at the bottom , so if she give me three of hers I 'd be alright , ha
8 Well , you know , practically , the governor or the head you see , he knows what he 's got ta work , but erm , I , I know because the lads do n't , but he generally tells them well I wan na work so and so and he gives me a bit of paper with the horses names on wants galloping .
9 Especially if it gave me the credibility to help a friend in need .
10 ‘ Well , it 's only because you gave me a leg-up at the beginning , explaining the theory and such . ’
11 I wait patiently whilst he gives me the once-over .
12 ‘ I wo n't tell Mr Mac , long as you give me a ride on Miss Ellen when you 're done . ’
13 ‘ So long as you give me something better than bottom pudding I 'm willing to sit here till nightfall if need be . ’
14 Not until you give me a few answers and do me the courtesy of telling the truth . ’
15 I think you 're the woman I 'm looking for , and I 'm not going away until you give me what I want .
16 " Strictly speaking , you 're going to be dead very soon unless you give me the right instructions . "
17 ‘ Well , reasonably so , I suppose , but after the meal , not after he gave me back the hat .
18 Well a as soon as she gave me this erm protective thing to wear and and then told me that I was grown up and every .
19 She said I ca n't promise you , so I thought well I 'm sat six months now , so I phoned this ship thing yesterday on the telly called Just Start , no Start Again whatever it 's called and they gave me , they phoned me yesterday and they gave me a number of Cine Hill , Northampton which is the job advisory centre , adults education and then they phoned me yesterday and they told me who to get in touch with so I 've got an appointment Thursday at erm Northampton with the Social Services Department and they apparently map out all the places where you could go , say , say for instance that St Crispin 's is the mental home I can go there and be with the patients and then I can go to the Marina 's and be taught how to lift and how to bed bath and how to manipulate
20 S three , probably if you give me the class first it 's probably easier Pete , Peter
21 I sat up and he gave me the handkerchief out of his pyjama pocket .
22 When your editor asked what kind of tank I would set up if he gave me £250 for Christmas , it was , unfortunately , only a hypothetical question .
23 I played outside , running around in a pair of shorts and — I imagine-quite happy to have the whole pregnancy thing going on because it gave me more freedom to do as I liked about the house and garden , free from my father 's supervision .
24 It was something that gave me a framework for my experience , and in some ways kind of saved my life really because it gave me words to see that I was n't isolated , that there was a movement — it was very real and it was very gut .
25 Well if you give me
26 A group of lads talked loudly and one gave me the eye
27 I always write my friends ' books into my Harrods list , even if they give me a copy , and then I keep it out quite a time so that other people ca n't have it .
28 ‘ Yes , I want the Eubank return and Iran Barkley as well because he gives me the fear I thrive on , ’ said Benn .
29 and er I went there and they give me an estimate and erm when it went in the contacts she does was er no , it 's it 's more than we thought because the chassis 's twisted or
30 mm , I shall er get the other lot in and do that , do that first thing in the morning , get every thing cleared up , and then if you give me your pull overs , I can hand wash those and put them in the spin drier so you 'd better sort them out do you think you 'd of put some tassels in that pelmet ? , you know where the I 've got some spare one 's no , do n't you remember I went into and he gave me a piece of the trimming and I can take the tassels off
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