Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] think it " in BNC.

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1 Better than I thought it would be .
2 The general point here and I want to make is that er , these are n't officers ' promises these are the members ' promises and er , erm , we 've got to be careful that er when they 're all drawn together that we are n't making a hostage fortune , erm and so that I think it is very important members take aboard er what is suggested and test them themselves to see that they are realistic , I would also say that er as these promises are being considered by the various committees and I note a considerable variation in standards which will need to be addressed when the promises er , have come back to the Policy Committee , these are particularly in reference to the time required to respond to er , erm complaints etc , it 's no use having the Highways Committee wanting two weeks and incidentally on promise number two erm I think that er any up , somebody else 's point er straight forward wants to be deleted , erm the highways require two weeks to respond er , erm hearts and libraries want a , you know half a day , er and we 've got to get these er erm more or less synchronized I think , and whilst I 'm thinking Chairman on the last page er of the er favourite for , for first for agent authorities , but it does n't give any indication about the contact point and as most of our population live in the agent authorities that the er it needs to be expanded to give the contacts er points for the members of the public .
3 Someone touched his elbow so timidly that he thought it had been accidental , until the gesture was repeated with more insistence .
4 Outsiders come in and they think it 's wonderful .
5 The families we who 've used our arts centres in other parts of the country have been influenced erm not just by the quality of art work on display , but also by the fact they can get decent beer and erm good , cheap food erm and the children and the other parts of the family have got plenty of other activities to take an interest in and I think it would need the university to think seriously about developing the social side of the Gardener Centre in those terms , and that 's why it was deeply disappointing to find the university pulling back on their subsidy for the Gardener Centre as that really ca n't help anybody find the most appropriate role for the building .
6 Often , I would n't bother to try things on — I 'd look at the price tag and think ‘ I 've got to have this , ’ especially if I thought it was a ‘ bargain ’ I might not see again .
7 Spender ( 1982 ) argues that male teachers are more likely to regard work highly if they think it has been written by a boy , although her research methodology is not made explicit .
8 You 've got to get your casualty from the cause , but make sure it 's safe for you , now if it is a , a place where you 've got to get your casualty out and you have n't got a lifeline and I must express this really that there must be two of you and if you are going in you only go in if you think it is safe to go in and you must have a line attached to you and there 's somebody outside , so that if you do get erm overcome by fumes or whatever , they can pull you out , you are safe , they 'll see to you , if there is no hope , you do n't try to be the hero , what you do is go and make a phone call and get the professionals in , because they do n't want to come along and have to deal with two casualties , when there 's only one .
9 yeah , aha , cos you have to concentrate constantly and I think it really is a lot of work involved in it
10 That 's that 's either gon na get worser or it 's gon na die down but I think it 's gon na get worser .
11 I did n't lose her till she was over twenty but So but I think it was desperation because if I 'd had money I should 've had a house full of children because I loved them , you see , I 've always loved children .
12 It could have been her last name , or a state she like to exist in but I think it was a number involved .
13 It was removed , apparently because someone thought it might become the butt of jokes .
14 No brickbats for that , for neither of them did it out of a sense of malice , but merely because they thought it was the right thing to do , and no doubt also because they believed , quite wrongly , that to instil a sense of guilt into me would ultimately be for my good , If I did what they thought was wrong then I was made to feel that someone , usually them , had suffered .
15 Personally , I prefer to speak about learning together because I think it 's more friendly use , er , user friendly I think I understand it better and it reminds me that it 's connected with disciple-ship .
16 ‘ Appealing was then done only when you thought it was out , ’ said Kerr .
17 Erm , I , I , I did n't say the question lightly it 's just that I think it needs watching , and I wondered how it was , because I 've heard so often in the past , that people have so many lines of enquiries , but the money goes , and you know , it 's all marvellous , and I 'm not suggesting
18 It 's not like that it 's just that I think it 'll help you to write it down and to think about it and to talk , talk to Kelly about it .
19 ‘ It 's not that we think it 's wrong to have girl-friends , we just choose not to at the moment .
20 Parting you from Jones that time does n't seem to have curtailed your ongoing little adventure — not that I thought it would . ’
21 He was standing miles away and he thought it was an aggressive posture .
22 The taxi was clattering away and I thought it would fall apart at any moment .
23 No , I 'm not cos I think it 's quite a valid
24 They send them a post card through and I thought it was about February , but Win reckons it 's the end of March their booster time .
25 Somehow or other I manage to get through and I think it 's because my parents help me .
26 He says the election is coming up soon and he thinks it 's politically motivated .
27 But I mean if I can get her to start somehow and I think it 's got ta be this one .
28 And she said to let her know straight away if we think it might be suitable .
29 Yes , well I hope they do anyway cos I think it
30 check through but I think it 's exactly the same as what we agreed
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