Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] know [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 So once you know what it means it helps a little bit and can you think of a word that ends the same as that ?
2 These include such essentials as a preliminary sounding meeting with the head and whoever else is part of the school 's senior management ( i.e. anyone in a position to further the aims of the group ) to secure their sanction and support ; and an introductory meeting with as many of the staff as possible and manageable , for instance over a working lunch , regardless of who will eventually join the group , so that everybody knows what it will be about and interest is generated even in those who may not wish to join it .
3 Information can be given to each child separately ( either verbally or in writing ) , so that no-one knows what the others ' information is .
4 So that we knew what pattern the tiles had been in .
5 Tick the film size box above the address panel so that we know which free film size to send you .
6 They tell us what 's been happening on the unit that we 're going to be working on , so that we know what 's been going on for the morning . ’
7 Said she 's guaranteed to phone me before the next council meeting , so that we know what we 're doing , so I 'll keep at her .
8 So give us some indication of what sort of press release it was so that we know what we 're talking about in the
9 With grave face and totally businesslike voice he began to talk about the beginnings of this place , of the way he had planned and discussed the enterprise , and how he had enabled the local people to be involved all the way through , so that they knew what he was planning , and they did n't feel threatened by him , but collaborated with him , knowing that it meant jobs , roads and plumbing and a higher standard of living for them all .
10 The various sections of the school function as effective teams and the objectives are clear so that they know what is required of them .
11 We have to do some pre-planning with those people , so that they know what their jobs are , how the systems are going to work , what the priorities are .
12 The purpose of the group meeting should be made clear from the start so that everyone knows what they are about , and what is expected of them .
13 Tell the resident what you plan to do before you start so that he/she knows what is about to happen and can help if possible .
14 He had a clear , incisive mind and might be able to blow some of the cobwebs away so that she knew what to say to Amsterdam when the time came .
15 The public relations worker studies these differences , called " profiles " , so that she knows which paper is best suited for her information to get the best response .
16 Mr Reynolds was also given information about the operation and what would happen to him afterwards so that he knew what to expect .
17 Christopher Patten , who was then in charge of the Research Department , but is now in total control of the Party machine , will find it difficult to re-establish the library and its heritage , even supposing that the catalogues have been kept so that he knows what has been lost .
18 Having reproduced the artwork onto polyester film , the next step is to label the artwork clearly , so that you know which side is the copper foil layout .
19 All the functions are fully explained in the manual and it is worth taking some time to experiment with each function so that you know which ones to use to obtain the best results .
20 So that you know what we 're off to do .
21 for services , information has to be made available so that you know what sort of services are , are available , erm on which to base a judgement about what so , what sort of erm , services you would like .
22 So that you know what not to bring , here 's the inventory for flotilla yachts .
23 For these reasons , it is useful to know what the words , phrases and constructions are which regularly conceal presuppositions , so that you know what you are letting yourself in for when you use them .
24 Yes , and this is why I want to look at this week at a glance diary , so that you will go away and I want you to fill this in as I 'm filling in on the board , you 'll go away with an idea what a diary , sorry , spit there , ha , erm , of what a diary will look like roughly , so that you know what your diary should look like every week .
25 They have prepared me well , supported me through university , taught me the difference between right and wrong , so that I know which I am enjoying at any given time !
26 You 'd better if you know what 's good for you !
27 She makes my tea with the same water she boils the eggs , she says she do n't but I know better and you know what that does .
28 That said , we have seen so many people in recent months who wanted to move but could not do so until they knew what was going to happen to their take-home income . ’
29 And I laughed and laughed and laughed and I put it in and you know what happened then .
30 Well , there were these round concrete blocks , with silos at the top , and they used to come in with these loads of scraps , tip it in and you know what we had to do ?
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