Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A well-planted 30″ tank , with an open area in the front where a flat stone is placed , will usually induce the fish to use the stone to spawn on where they are easily accessible for photographing .
2 Negotiations dragging on where there is apparently little separating the two sides ( quite likely in the case of job evaluation where a five point difference in a grade boundary might represent hundreds of posts ) can lead to accusations of bad faith and a potentially dangerous deterioration in the general climate of industrial relations .
3 Well you either put one bar on or the lot is on or it 's very dim like this is low and you ca n't see it at all .
4 But where it is possible , it is valuable to learn brinkmanship , because you also learn to reduce your feelings of stress under pressure and to make better use of thermals lower down where they are often smaller and more difficult to centre .
5 BL have used carousels , but only to a limited degree and , it would appear , only where they were particularly vital to insulate the biggest machines from human variability .
6 Obviously , there will be difficult cases , especially where there is perhaps a house or capital to be considered .
7 It may be that the draconian and secret nature of the procedure makes it unattractive for smaller firms : perhaps where there are as few as three partners , some check on its exercise should be incorporated in the partnership agreement .
8 So where he is now , they really stretch them but they unwind them in the afternoons by games and and
9 In restaurants , Ken and Hugh Paddick had meals together where there was inevitably the same story of not being recognized and then having to move because too many people were pestering him .
10 Well we started off traditionally enough except it was distinctly in low key .
11 In a corner of the Salon Imperial of the Hotel Intercontinental , Paris , Harriet Varna braced her back against a statuesque pillar and looked steadily into the viewfinder of her camera , concentrating on her subjects so fiercely that she was almost oblivious to the electric atmosphere that surrounded her , bouncing off the Viennese décor and the sumptuous rococo ceiling along with the heat and the light as the models of the House of Saint Laurent moved gracefully along the hundred yards of catwalk to display the new season 's couture collection .
12 He himself , by his own self justifying account , was giving the President the facts and pointing out the alternatives ; North , speaking the language of military tactics , was for ‘ boxing him in so there 's only one way he can go — the right way . ’
13 We then noticed Allingham had not come down although he was generally an early riser .
14 A lot of the operations now I do I think I can do better that I 'm now seeing detail that I never saw before with the naked eye .
15 ‘ Then when I saw you I realised suddenly that you were just the friend who would help to make it all a success .
16 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
17 Nevertheless , the move to Easingwold , a small market town that was similar in many ways to Pocklington but with fewer saddlers , was a beneficial one , for the family certainly did better once they were there .
18 You come to spend more time together than you are now because you go home in the evenings she goes out .
19 And so although they were still the opposition , they could rarely be classified as ‘ real prigs ’ .
20 So although there are still only eight basic colours , the eye will see many more .
21 Like his [ sic ] colleagues in most developing countries , he is , to say the least , unprepared and unwilling to serve in rural areas and has to be forced to do so although he is fully aware that rural areas and people are most undeveloped and disadvantaged because of lack of human , material and financial resources ....
22 It takes my breath away , so although she is half asleep she gets in first : ‘ Did you get through ? ’
23 I was on 1,000 grams of that a day , now I 'm on 187 , so although I 'm still on medication it 's a very minute amount of medication to what I was on before , and I 'm existing on that , so for me it 's worked .
24 Only once we were inside did we appreciate the immense scale of Wolio .
25 Indeed , the situation changed so swiftly that there is almost no resemblance between the political maps of Spain for 1000 and 1050 , or again between those covering the times of the birth and death of El Cid .
26 Robyn placed her hand over his , lifting it away , realising swiftly that he was more than a little drunk .
27 Yet , when the oriental came at him , the man moved so swiftly that he was once again almost taken by surprise .
28 I replied gently that we were there to describe building plans and had no involvement in North Sea Gas .
29 And then , so gently that she was hardly aware of what was happening — as if she was merely swaying with the tide — he gradually pulled her towards the shore , slowly drawing her up against the bare , damp skin of his broad chest .
30 Next , I had to get the cows in although there was usually a hired lad to help , and start the milking .
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