Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] he [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 She should have known better than to think he would bring it to her , miserable sinner that she was .
2 She ends up sitting on him , facing the small window from where the children can now be heard playing , so that ail he can see is her lean and sculpted back , the ridge of her spine showing like knuckles on a fist .
3 She knew for a fact that he had n't used a condom , so that meant he could n't get her pregnant .
4 ‘ I looked down and thought he 'd let me fall too . ’
5 But , as the wheel hurtled down and round he could see Tony , safe in his little illuminated booth .
6 But Howard insisted : ‘ Anyone who believes he can cruise along and think he will automatically be in the side against Halifax will be in for a shock .
7 But Howard insisted : ‘ Anyone who believes he can cruise along and think he will automatically be in the side against Halifax will be in for a shock .
8 Who comes along and says he 'll pay for everything to be put to rights ?
9 Jenna looked at him secretly and knew he would be no match for Alain Lemarchand at all .
10 Peterson backed off and said he would not ask Jones to cancel his talk .
11 Opening the paperback at the title page , I glanced up and asked him should I sign it for someone .
12 Time ( and his bank balance ) will tell , but at least now the whole thing 's up and running he can retreat out of the public eye .
13 He came up and swore he 'd never go down again , it was no life for an animal ] And he stuck to that .
14 ‘ Once he 's up and walking he 'll stay that way , ’ said Mrs Sanderson .
15 Soon he would get up and say he must be going .
16 If not , the defendant driver can be seen later and told he will be reported .
17 Sees us clearly and reckons he 'll come to a stop more or less alongside .
18 Ralph gave his up but realised he could not continue .
19 and , he 'd got her up and got her ready and sent her out and said he would n't come .
20 He 'd been charged eventually and thrust into a cell for the night ; then , half an hour later , without explanation , given his belt back and told he could go .
21 DES WALKER … has settled well and says he would like to spend the rest of his footballing life in Italy
22 One here and pray he would n't be yet another scientist who needed replacing , and one in the West .
23 He was rather taken aback but said he would report to head office and let me know about it in the New Year .
24 His father disowned him publicly and said he would never be allowed back to Zimbala in his lifetime .
25 When finally he did broach the subject of the ball , Isobel refused to take his invitation seriously and said he should take someone his own age .
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