Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Now , if she were seated in her old place , wedged between the window and Penini , with his mother opposite encircled in her husband 's arms , or , if the men rode alongside or travelled on the outside of the carriage , sitting with her mistress while Pen and Flush lay on the other seat — now she would feel stifled , trapped , longing to get out .
2 They took turns to walk around inside and sit on the bunks and then George left to go home for tea .
3 IN MID-SUMMER , contemplating a day on the beach , Truronians will cast an eye skywards and decide on the instant whether to head for the north coast or the south .
4 All the windows were broken and came in and landed on the people working . ’
5 Before anyone goes in and sits on the dentist 's chair which forms the centrepiece of the cage , Dr Tydeman will first monitor them using some external equipment .
6 Every kind of wonderful bird was flying in and perching on the branches of the great tree , and as soon as one landed a Minpin would climb onto its back and off they would go .
7 Sister Cooney came in and snapped on the light .
8 Down on the dark grey beach there was a collection of glaucous gulls and a few purple sandpipers , and then to my delight a snow white ivory gull flew in and settled on the shingle , giving me the chance to stalk and photograph one of the world 's rarer gulls .
9 but I never pushed in and stood on the stage , look I 've done all this !
10 He said that unless Niki gave in and raced on the terms offered , he was going to go with Keke the following year .
11 Jamie came in and sat on the couch next to my chair .
12 Anne reached in and turned on the lights .
13 A third-year nurse came in and turned on the radio .
14 Knocker 's bored looking battered features brightened as Yanto walked in and leaned on the well used but polished bar .
15 Later Beatrice was carried in and laid on the sofa , sobered by the experience , her breasts daubed in blood .
16 Don Mini gave a signal and in five seconds Swan swooped down and landed on the tree .
17 Well , no the other day he said if I 'm really that bad you just tell me and I 'll go down and sleep on the sofa .
18 Margaret Stanhope put down the telephone , stood up , smoothed her tight skirt down and knocked on the door next to her desk .
19 Yes , I do n't like to go down and knock on the door really .
20 The kids from the houses up there- ’ she waved her arm in the direction of home — ‘ will come and play on the grass-the old people from the council place will come pottering down and sit on the benches by the flowerbeds .
21 She 's like , she 's like tearing the wall down and collapsing on the floor with hysterics .
22 They hailed down and clinked on the ramparts .
23 You must then perform a small conjuring trick — holding all the layers of the picture firmly together , turn the frame and picture upside down and place on the table , then fix on the hardboard back .
24 I stepped down and sat on the thwart opposite to him .
25 Folly put the phone down and sat on the bed , looking round the poky little hotel room that was all she could afford while she searched for more permanent accommodation .
26 Once he broke down and cried on the radio .
27 Fall down and right , go up and collect the star , fly up two platforms and right , push the crate onto the switch , go left and fall down , fall through the left side of the cave floor you land in , go right on the ride and collect the arrow , go left on the ride and up on the platforms , go right on the platforms in the cave above , push the crate right onto the switch , go right , down and left on the dodgems , jump up onto the platforms , then onto the wall above , go right through the wall and collect the star so you can fly , fly left , up , go right and collect the arrow .
28 Poor little Willie was fairly screaming the place down and banging on the barred window that separated him so carefully from the world .
29 Reminiscent of the CKR 's ‘ no disp ’ clause , however , the transfer will be effective only if noted on the sea waybill .
30 ‘ A shot from Charlton , especially if hit on the run from outside the penalty area , is one of the great events of the sport , not because it is rare , which it is not , but because the power of it is massive and it erupts out of elegance , ’ Arthur Hopcraft , who followed Charlton 's career from shy schoolboy to elder statesman , wrote in his classic account of the English game , The Football Man .
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