Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 The old program may be recovered with the OLD command provided no new program lines have been typed in or deleted and no variables have been created .
2 She believed in love , but she had been too impatient , her eagerness to experience it persuading her to believe that what she had felt went deeper than liking and a mild physical attraction .
3 She just stays in and working and the whole family come round to her house computer room
4 They want to go along and relax and a lot of women have said that they can relax much more easily in their own , rather than in mixed , company , ’ Prue explains .
5 The programme of work is now all but completed and the future of this initiative is under review .
6 The minor disputes between the two countries , over reparations for damaged embassies in Tehran and London and some other outstanding debts , seemed all but settled and a group of MPs were visiting the Iranian capital .
7 Government comes to be seen as a matter of administration rather than rule and the ideologies of Machiavelli , Locke , Bentham , and Marx provide us with the modern cribs to politics ; a political training in default of a political education .
8 When not pressed too hard , the former prefer to disbelieve rather than believe and the latter to believe rather than disbelieve ; but both feel extremely uncomfortable if their tested .
9 However , by February 1991 , this deficit was shown to be rising rather than falling and the government introduced austerity measures [ see p. 38113 ] .
10 It 's sort of grid iron pattern streets on the south side of the High Street ; on the north side that 's all disrupted by the castle and , as far as one can tell , when the town and the area around it , the Rape of Lewes , was ceded to William De Warren , most of the local powers of the Town Council such as it was were taken away and subverted and the town became a minorial borough and although it sent Members of Parliament to Westminster from the end of the thirteenth century , it only had a very sort of ramshackle corporation , because the lords of the manor of Lewes kept control fairly tightly on what the town was actually allowed to do and on its internal freedoms .
11 The flight gave Gentle time to think about both that remark and the conversation on Kite Hill , the memory of which still vexed him .
12 It should be used lightly but positively if required and the horse quickly rewarded when he responds .
13 Suppose now that Pry and the seller of the house have reached agreement on the sale , but no formal acceptance of Pry 's offer has been drawn up by the seller 's solicitors .
14 The menus , and their cross references , are well thought out and presented and the most computer illiterate could quickly master the whole system .
15 James Ballingall , manager of the London and Kirkaldy Shipping Company and a former seaman , made it his business to advertise weaknesses of naval architecture as well as crewing and a Select Committee of 1836 found British ships to be ill constructed and badly maintained and their masters and officers frequently drunken and incompetent .
16 Even in these circumstances , where one might expect unemployed people to be net receivers , McKee shows that they give as well as receive and the list of what they give looks remarkably similar to the list of items which they receive .
17 Mary Finnigan : ‘ A few days after the death of David 's father , the free festival went ahead as planned and the day was fabulous ; the sun shone and everybody but everybody had a wonderful time .
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