Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [to-vb] a " in BNC.

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1 He should have known better than agree to support a magistrate whose hatred of gipsies was so well known .
2 Although the SSC , like most things , could probably have been designed a bit better and made to cost a bit less , physics dictates its overall scale .
3 By the end of 1981 over 350,000 Apple IIs had been purchased ; the company had experienced over 100 per cent growth annually and continues to enjoy a similar growth pattern .
4 Few people have it , but as there are comparatively few copywriter positions in London , you ca n't just waltz in and expect to make a mark .
5 He waited while Father Barnes unlocked the front door , then followed him in and offered to make a cup of tea , the British specific against disaster , grief and shock .
6 The girl knelt down and began to play a game of marbles with the Doctor .
7 Robert patted his hair down and tried to formulate a few opening remarks .
8 Angrily she watched him crouch down and begin to clear a patch of ground .
9 Therefore the Russian Churches , at a synod in Moscow that year , said so and refused to send a single representative .
10 A bird that thought so and decided to make a meal of it would quickly die .
11 Erm what this is really about , I think we all recognise this is the erm purchaser aim to increase their leverage in the contract situation as against the providers on the other side of contract and in fact , I think we ought to tie this very much more in with what this authority has been saying about the proposals of the trust on the provider side because I think that this is an argument against the whole district N H S trusts that we 're getting , but it is encouraging the situation in which health authorities have purchasers on the other side of the contract are going to want to band together and merge to create a larger block in which to negotiate with their whole trust providers , I think this is a a very dangerous situation and think we needed to tie the two together as an argument there .
12 By this time MI6 and the government had got their act together and decided to leak a false version of events to the public .
13 It is not the case that whenever we become a member of a civil society , a body politic , that we are so to speak signing the social contract erm think of it erm a little bit like erm a social club erm East Biddock Old Comrades Club was actually established in the way Locke describes , you know , a group of citizens of East Biddock came together and decided to establish a social club subsequently of course all sorts of people are admitted to membership of East Biddock Old Comrades Club but that as a process which , although very similar to the original contract of establishment , is n't actually erm the same , you know , they 're not actually re-establishing the civil society , they 're joining one that already exists .
14 But he then adds : ‘ I would say just this : that having got the legislation it would be wise to proceed by exemplar , by experiment , by demonstration of success rather than trying to do a root and branch revolutionary approach .
15 You know it will be your turn to talk in a few minutes , so you can put all your energy into listening rather than trying to spot a chance to throw in your contribution .
16 Accordingly , there has been a gradual realization that the endeavour should advance over a broader field rather than trying to seek a ‘ universal ’ method ( Dearden , 1981 ) , that subjective methods are probably more cost-effective ( Price , 1976 ) , that any method should include room for different tastes ( Jacques , 1980 ) , and that much could be learnt from the approach of experts in the area of aesthetic and artistic judgement ( Carlson , 1977 ) .
17 Mrs Maginnis claimed that Mr Lang , rather than trying to find a consensus and a way forward , was introducing another element of aggravation and difficulty into the work of teachers and local authorities .
18 As a matter of procedure , it was agreed that all the monitoring and control components of the model would be given the suffix ‘ .1 ’ , whereas all other components would be numbered in a convenient order , ie depending on their place in the diagram , rather than annotated to indicate a logical sequence of events .
19 Equally , it may be socially desirable to enforce partial abatement of the fixed charge element for small users of electricity or gas rather than having to identify a more specific form of assistance .
20 Premises are often located near people 's homes and workplaces — customers just ‘ pop in ’ , rather than having to make a special journey
21 The product could prove a boon to existing SNA users who will be able to incorporate other protocols within their existing SNA networks rather than having to build a separate bridge-router-based backbone .
22 He added : ‘ The operators should have been given at least another 12 months , rather than having to face a judge and jury overnight decision by someone on the Intervention Board . ’
23 ‘ The operators should have been given at least another 12 months , rather than having to face a judge and jury overnight decision by someone on the Intervention Board . ’
24 The following description of the two forms of right is thus necessarily brief and the emphasis is on computer equipment rather than attempting to give a detailed account of design law .
25 Service trades offer the opportunity to create jobs quicker because they fulfil a requirement that already exists , rather than attempting to create a market for a new product and often having to wait for factories to be built and machinery installed .
26 Indeed , rather than attempting to teach a chimpanzee to communicate like a human , it might have been considered easier to teach it to communicate like a dog .
27 You will then still have enough material with which to create an attractive picture , rather than try to make a suitable design from a few odds and ends .
28 If this is the case , rather than attempt to invent a new conceptual framework , there is much to be said for turning to marriage as the one , already existing legal concept which has the obvious potential for expansion so as to provide the institutional framework for such a union .
29 It is not clear how this issue could be resolved , other than by stipulation , and hence rather than attempt to reach a conclusion we will proceed to the more fundamental question of whether the shareholders should , in the first place , be considered to have a moral right to decide how companies should be run in virtue of their ownership of corporate property .
30 Frequently , too , there are major structural changes to the volcano , with a large part of it being blown away or collapsing to form a gaping crater , up to several kilometres across .
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