Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 ’ I was in one of the school mobiles when this gang of boys came in and started sitting on me and trying to pull my knickers off .
2 Thornton was eventually smoothed down and persuaded to stay on condition that the paper find a Chairman at once — a reputable businessman whose name could be used instead of his .
3 In Fig. 6.7 therefore , a choice has to be made at the top of the tree between so and sew based on the transitional probability scores to the following words a and I .
4 This time she contacted me again after just a week to say that , for the first time , she had been able to buy clothes for her children in a certain famous store rather than having to rely on ordering from a mail order firm .
5 An unemployed lift engineer 's mate , Darren Webb , 25 , of Colchester , also appreciated the opportunity to talk to people about the various training and job schemes available rather than having to rely on leaflets .
6 Macmillan was thus able to pursue his own policies during his second term in office rather than having to concentrate on damage limitation forced upon him by Anthony Eden 's Suez disaster .
7 rather than have imposed on you by somebody else .
8 The government is running the Oil Fund , designed to maintain stable oil prices , at a deficit rather than risk passing on price increases to consumers .
9 She darted away and began spinning on one foot in the middle of the room , but he quickly took hold of her and drew her back .
10 He lay on his side , holding the covers over him by their edges , gazing at some of his copies of Vogue , which Tessa had been looking through and left lying on the carpet in front of the fire , where they glowed pink and red .
11 I sighed uneasily and began to cast on stitches for the back of a matinee jacket …
12 I suppose you may say : ‘ Why should I be more green ’ ? and what I say to that is : ‘ I do n't know what the reason is for you but I do know that for me it 's about showing compassion for the planet we live on and trying to hand on as much beauty and good-will as we possibly can to future generations ; while improving our own quality of life .
13 Paige was glad of her strong boots , but she would gladly have thrown her bag away , for it either kept falling off or got caught on stray branches .
14 they all sit there looking at her and saying bloody hell she ai n't got her own hat on , we 've been here quarter of an hour and she walks in the door , takes her coat off and says come on ladies you 're suppose to be off your hind by two o'clock , leaving here at two
15 They told me to get off and try to get on the next train going north , ’ protested the younger of the two , flushing pink .
16 The gasman had told us it would blow up and had stuck on a waning sign to remind us .
17 He stood up and seemed to roll on the balls of his feet .
18 After just three races the team gave up and started to work on something smaller and lighter .
19 On this occasion we thought it so important that we invited the bishop to lay hands on the team as they were sent out and began to meet on Sunday mornings , initially in a large sitting room as we searched for suitable premises .
20 It will affect Alec Stewart 's batting eventually if he keeps wicket regularly and has to concentrate on it . ’
21 They pipped last year 's IBOA League winners , the ‘ Random Strikers ’ from AIB Bank 10/11 O'Connell St. , Dublin , who played exceptionally well but failed to capitalise on some sensational strikes at the closing stages .
22 She did slim down a couple of years ago but has piled on the pounds again .
23 The former is not crucial unless time and energy efficient paddling are important ( which they will be on big open crossings ) but the latter is a more serious problem , particularly when trying to keep on a bearing in a big sea .
24 that one there that 's advertised on telly , that looks all round the
25 He got the sack , cos he got up and left his job overslept and annoyed erm Rachael because she woke him up twice and said come on you 've got to go to work , he said alright then , she , she went back to bed thinking he 'd get up and of course he were still laying in bed , I woke him up at five to eleven , said come on you 're an hour late , but when he got down there they said no it 's no good you 've got the sack , and he said well it 's your own fault then cos you were woke up twice by Rachael at nine o'clock , he had n't , he could have got up and gone to work , just idle we met him twice , it really upset him
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