Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Many villages , especially in Persia , which have long been associated with highly sophisticated work , have either ceased weaving altogether or produce so few examples that they now have only an historic relevance to the contemporary scene .
2 Alida knew better than to follow up that particular avenue of thought .
3 So that shows how much we 're gon na apply our deduction to .
4 Some dubbed it a cosmetic exercise which did not go far enough and said too many concessions had already been made to industry .
5 Their main priority during the year will be to learn enough and develop good enough relationships in both staffroom and classroom to survive .
6 There too her parents who love her so much and suffer so much when she leaves their family feel indebted to her parents-in-law .
7 But I expect that you all want to know how I could do it — how I could have walked in and scooped up this yummy young man from the arms of his loving and lawful wife .
8 They stopped beside the resting horses and looked down on the vale of Grasmere , a prospect described by great poets as an unsuspected paradise , depicted by painters as a jewel set in nature , sought out by the fashionable , protected by the sensible , evoker of sublime epithets , a small , ovaloid dream lake ringed by mountains proportioned in a measure which touched the intelligence as much as the eye ; if any one place deserves the description , then Grasmere Vale could claim to be in the very eye of the Romantic storm , in its beauty , its seclusion , its inhabitants and its capacity to draw in and draw out some of the greatest artists of the era .
9 ‘ We-ell , they 're forecasting heavy rain , ’ Simon pointed out , ‘ but if I had a key to the cottage I could go in and fix up some temporary weatherproofing until the roof can be properly repaired . ’
10 Should you cash it in and take out another ?
11 The former Wimbledon striker said : ‘ We 've got to start digging in and dish out some of the rough stuff .
12 ‘ I did n't cut in and argue too much ? ’
13 Well I just tend to stick it in and see how much there is there .
14 I can arrange to have someone come in and clear up this mess in the morning after the fingerprint team have finished . ’
15 Dr Foley said he 'd just go in and see how that child was in casualty before he left .
16 Sheep automatically seem to connect people with food , so that they become bothersome and , in some cases I saw , dangerous as they tried butting until harassed walkers gave in and handed over some of their food .
17 And erm and say I went shopping and I I saw that and I liked it and I thought oh I 'll go in and ask how much it is , he said give us twenty five quid for it , you can have the lot .
18 Anyway , if you 're goin' to tea with the toffs you 'd better get scrubbed down and pick out some decent clothes . ’
19 So he took me back to his place and pulled his pants down and took out this big bundle with the works in it , like .
20 Mr McGuinness said : ‘ In view of the ongoing conflict , with people being killed by British state forces , the IRA and loyalist death squads , there is a heavy responsibility on those in our society who have influence to sit down and discuss how this conflict can be brought to an end . ’
21 You know start off and then they 'll drag drag drag and it needs that completer finisher to actually get that close it down and say right that 's done , off it goes .
22 I believe that GPs , whether fund holders or not , recognise , like everyone else in the NHS , that Labour 's plans to turn all the reforms upside down and to throw away all the gains that have been made in the past three years are the last thing that the service needs .
23 Also , men have no worries about pregnancy and single parenthood , they still seem to be blithe about AIDS , and have n't taken heed of the warning from One Plus One ( formerly the Marriage Research Council ) that men cast out of marriage between the ages of 25 and 50 are twice as likely to die prematurely and drink too much .
24 We could go to Camden Market together and pick out some furniture . ’
25 Together with the right kind of support we could have fun together and achieve so much for ourselves and our diocese .
26 Add the wine and bring to the boil , stirring constantly and scraping down any meat particles from the sides of the pan .
27 Edward Lear , drawing parrots and toucans in the zoo , got them very lifelike but left his backgrounds very sketchy , letting the bird stand out brilliantly but giving very little clue about its habitat .
28 At the same time , the English government responded favourably to peace overtures from Pope Gregory XI , who was anxious on the one hand to unite the rulers of western Christendom in a crusade , and on the other to tax the western churches so as to fund both this endeavour and his political and diplomatic schemes in Italy .
29 Father Moore is only a brief visitor ; he has called in crisply to pay his respects , exchange a few words of banter with Patsy ( also a brother-in-law of somebody ) , and to inform Siobhan that next year he will be personally heading a pilgrimage to Knock so as to ward off any unfortunate flukes of the road .
30 It can not be said that the result was entirely logical , and one is tempted to agree with a famous last-century astronomer , Sir John Herschel , that the constellations seem to have been drawn up so as to cause as much inconvenience as possible , but the system has become so well established that it is unlikely to be altered now .
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