Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun] was [art] " in BNC.

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1 So he was pleased enough that MacMinimum was a hard rider and got them to Tipperary in only two days .
2 The only objective sense in which monetarism worked better than Keynesianism was the electoral one : the ‘ strong bargainers in all classes ’ were content for the economy to run at well below capacity .
3 Mr. Barnes ' affidavit showed no more than that the Bank might exercise their own supervisory function once they had the result of the Federal Reserve Board inquiry in their hands , so that supervision was no more than a secondary purpose which did not qualify .
4 She found Clelia 's company extraordinarily entertaining , and bracing only in so far as she liked to be braced : she could hardly follow a word , for instance , of the art references in her conversation , but Clelia managed somehow to combine a great air of erudition and abstruseness with a marked facility for making explanations , so that ignorance was no bar to amusement .
5 Both marriages were childless ; so that Elizabeth was the last direct descendant of William Shakespeare .
6 A barter economy still prevailed widely in 1922 , so that alcohol was a money substitute that kept and travelled better than grain .
7 One of the features of Ben Jonson 's Workes 1616 was not only that Jonson was the first English dramatist to present his plays as worthy of serious literary attention but also that he did so in a folio format .
8 David acknowledged the complexity of Peru 's problems yet he remained an optimist , becoming most heated when he talked about those who repeated endlessly that Peru was a poor country .
9 Elizabeth Woodville 's voice was unusually stern — her defences were down and attack was the better part of defence .
10 France was pledged to support Piedmont , as a result of an agreement made in 1858 , though only if Austria was the aggressor .
11 Casks of water , fencing wire , posts , bags of peat , dogs and even a pedigree ram were loaded feverishly until Viking was a stevedore 's nightmare .
12 Ironically , White 's successor at MI5 was Roger Hollis , so if Hollis was a long-term Russian spy as has since been alleged ( but never proved ) , then his command of MI5 came about because someone leaked details of a MI6 mission to the Russians that led to the downfall of the head of MI6 .
13 Anyone who 's ever treasured their pain , tried to prolong it , toyed with exacerbating it or been driven to dwell on inside it long after recovery was an option , preferring the company of ghosts to the dreamlessness of everyday sociability — that person understands poignancy .
14 I did not like the idea very much as Sid was a smoker , and if he lit up during the night it was possible that we both could end up with a Blighty , or worse !
15 360 , but any connection with imperial officials is highly conjectural , the more so as Firminus was a very common cognomen .
16 And there was a powerful political argument for relying on home-produced power ( from ( coal ) rather than imported oil , especially when mining was an important local industry .
17 But he made the studio ( which he used for twenty years ) simple and plain , matching a portrait style in which , in his own words , ‘ character rather than flattery was the dominant note . ’
18 A major incentive to buy British rather than American was the reluctance of the US Congress to approve sales of advanced military equipment to Middle Eastern countries .
19 A major incentive to buy British rather than American was the reluctance of the US Congress to approve sales of advanced military equipment to Middle Eastern countries .
20 There were snapshots of youths with big moustaches and huge muskets over their shoulders , country boys sensing that nationalism rather than colonialism was a path of honour .
21 Demoralisation rather than democratisation was the immediate result .
22 Not that Hewlett was a representative figure , if by that we mean a sort of undistinguished average .
23 Whether or not that is the case , the problem here is not that Jesus was a man , but that this man has been considered unique , symbolic of God , God Himself- or whatever else may be the case within Christianity .
24 Not that Crispin was a weak man , but he was a very busy one , and had to be content to leave the management of their joint lives largely to his highly capable wife .
25 It 's not that Malcolm was a father-figure to us — as some have said — he was more like an elder brother who 'd actually been out there in the world and done it so he had the confidence and experience .
26 ‘ We have one or two players of that age breaking through and Kevin was the one who got the opening , ’ Jordan said .
27 Just because John was a journalist we could n't expect special treatment .
28 Tina had lived up there with her children when Brian threw her out , but ate downstairs because Cecilia was a good cook and the television was in the drawing room .
29 The issue was not whether Ho was a communist but whether there was , in principle , any possibility of voluntary , autonomous communism .
30 Just as Shardlow was a great inland distributing centre for the east Midlands , where mining , industry and agriculture mingled their products , so Stourport became the emporium for the west Midlands , connected by river and canal with most parts of the kingdom .
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