Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 However , we must take account of the sign change for the spatial components of the metric equation on going from three-space to space–time , and so where K is the Gaussian curvature .
2 The angle subtended by a string of length r at the centre of the sphere is θ , and so where R is the radius of the sphere .
3 The only objective sense in which monetarism worked better than Keynesianism was the electoral one : the ‘ strong bargainers in all classes ’ were content for the economy to run at well below capacity .
4 Suppose now the pressure is increased so that diamond is the more stable form of carbon : that is , so that carbon has less energy when bonded as diamond than is graphite .
5 implies z = By = BAx , so that BA is the matrix converting x into z .
6 Both marriages were childless ; so that Elizabeth was the last direct descendant of William Shakespeare .
7 The stress on the primitive chain at time t is found as where is the disengagement time , that is , the time required for chains to disengage completely from surrounding entanglements ( it is the longest relaxation time for a chain ) , c is the number of polymers in unit volume so that cN is the number of chain segments in unit volume , and is a function of the deformation .
8 So that number is the same as this one , they 're both whatever they mean , they 're both the same cos they 're both a hundred to the power half .
9 One of the features of Ben Jonson 's Workes 1616 was not only that Jonson was the first English dramatist to present his plays as worthy of serious literary attention but also that he did so in a folio format .
10 Elizabeth Woodville 's voice was unusually stern — her defences were down and attack was the better part of defence .
11 France was pledged to support Piedmont , as a result of an agreement made in 1858 , though only if Austria was the aggressor .
12 Perhaps only because Green is the opposite of Red many people said Green when asked what party they would support in the forthcoming elections .
13 So whilst self-understanding is the vital ingredient of the counselling process , and whereas individuals might have developed significant insights into their own social performance , what individuals decide to do with these newly discovered insights is also of vital importance .
14 The Commission points out that it is often difficult to attribute responsibility , especially when damage is the cumulative result of activities undertaken by many parties .
15 Ability and skill are often used interchangeably although ability is the wider term .
16 A form of structure can be found in the Monk 's Tale in the grouping of examples of , for instance , those whose fall is attributable to women , those whose fall is attributable to sin , those who fall through treachery , etc. , but repetition rather than variation is the wearisome experience of reading this tale .
17 But he made the studio ( which he used for twenty years ) simple and plain , matching a portrait style in which , in his own words , ‘ character rather than flattery was the dominant note . ’
18 A major incentive to buy British rather than American was the reluctance of the US Congress to approve sales of advanced military equipment to Middle Eastern countries .
19 A major incentive to buy British rather than American was the reluctance of the US Congress to approve sales of advanced military equipment to Middle Eastern countries .
20 Statistically , McClair rather than Hughes is the likely victim after only four goals this season — and the Scot has not scored since October .
21 The Black Report summed up the position as follows : ‘ Among 1–4 year olds … almost all the differences in mortality rate between social class I and V are due to : accidents , poisoning and violence ; respiratory disease ; and congenital abnormalities. , – During late childhood ( 5–14 years ) accidents rather than illness are the major cause of death .
22 The great advantage of using lower-energy photons rather than X-rays is the greater resolution attainable .
23 Demoralisation rather than democratisation was the immediate result .
24 In general , opportunism rather than predetermination is the key .
25 Here , current rather than potential is the estimated parameter .
26 On a par with their conception of social revolution , the FMLN sees taking power in health as a complex process where organized communities rather than individuals are the most important agents of change and empowerment .
27 Poverty rather than indifference is the reason for Moscow 's inaction , it seems : it was Mikhail Gorbachev who in his autumn 1988 UN speech in New York proposed that the UN should set up an emergency centre for the environment .
28 Fairness , rather than efficiency is the guiding principle .
29 Efforts to chart continuities in maladjustment almost invariably fail to find more than a small relationship between early attachment or infant behaviour and later emotional or behavioural adjustment , and although very early relationships and behaviour are seen to be very important , most researchers aiming to demonstrate this fact end by concluding that discontinuity rather than continuity is the rule ( e.g. Lewis et al. , 1984 ; Fischer et al. , 1984 ) .
30 Where money rather than people is the primary concern , financial modelling techniques can be used .
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