Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] and [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 What would you do if some man out there in the anonymous darkness of the audience fell under the spell you create so skilfully and believed you were singing those sensuous songs just for him ? ’
2 ‘ I said , was you all right and do you know who lives here ? ’
3 We were planning to come down today and see you . ’
4 Yeah , the inflammation will often spread down here and make you feel grotty .
5 Thank you all very much indeed and thank you particularly for making an effort to come and join us at the A G M , apart from the fact that it would be tedious in the extreme to look at an empty room , I do understand
6 What we do at the end of the year we have n't quite worked out , but we are very much committed to sharing child care and professional space if you like , but we are very privileged in that academic work allows one the flexibility to work in the hours that you find convenient and so on and allows you the flexibility to make this kind of family arrangement .
7 ‘ Listen , ’ she snapped , ‘ if I have to come down there and tell you what to do with the handbrake , you 'll all be extremely sorry , all right ?
8 In one of his books , David Jenkins speaks of a cartoon which shows God sitting on a cloud looking very cross and saying : ‘ You love one another or I 'll come down there and thump you . ’
9 Where are you , Louise , can I come right over and see you ? "
10 ‘ All of that , but you 're drunk and you seem to have forgotten who came here just now and hit you . ’
11 I 'll have to study you more extensively and let you know . ’
12 if someone just says sort of , straight off and asks you especially if you you think , Ooh he 's asking me here maybe they 're not , maybe they are .
13 Carol says I ought to get up early and help you put the turkey in the oven .
14 The enemy is trying to creep up behind and fry you .
15 I know and I 'm trying to pile them up now and let you see the patterns so these
16 ‘ Tell you what , ’ said Mrs Tilling in a warmer tone , ‘ I 'll come up here and give you a hand turning out before Christmas .
17 And I had a se , you know , I mean you you were aware that you were in a coach and you 'd you 'd wake up occasionally and realise you we , but by enlarge I had eight hours sleep !
18 You can also use your yarn for weaving , which by combining it with another fine yarn , will lighten , darken or brighten it up considerably and leave you with a beautiful fine fabric .
19 And Hall takes the pick of the crop , from Brooke Shields ( who whom he posed the question , ‘ You came right out and said you were a virgin , right ?
20 Thomas Carter came right out and told you that he thought England was the only truly civilized country in the world and that as the most English of English cities , Oxford was its heart and soul , the core of everything that had formed us , the repository of our values and the guarantor of our standards , an expression in stone of our whole Western civilization , a cultural Stonehenge which , etc , etc .
21 If you do n't help us , we 'll leave right now and forget you ever existed . ’
22 I would say something along the lines of you 've had several , talking about several ways of energy production , but once you start talking about energy transfer and storage one seems to get to electricity fairly quickly and do you want to say anything about that ?
23 I do n't want to get back here and find you 've legged it .
24 You must smash the egg quickly or else it will hatch out again and hound you until you get the knight again , or he gets you .
25 But it 's not easy I mean you know I was reading an article ages ago a few months ago actually and saying you know if you think about it the sort of revolution was over a year ago and still the government has n't done anything about it and I mean like a lot of provisions that have been brought into Romania sort of go in the front door and out of the back door and you know they sort of sent those of supplies like contraceptions and things like that for the women and overlap
26 I 've told him how you did it , and how still and brave you were . ’
27 Finally , your level of physical activity is going to be influenced to a large degree by how well and fit you feel .
28 All I 'm gon na do is add to what Keith said earlier today and encourage you fellow Tablers to use your hearts and minds over the next twelve months in this direction .
29 They sent him home from school or something , send him straight home from school and er , do n't know I suppose take him to hospital today and then , I assume they 've got to bring him home and he said oh no he said you have n't got to take me home he said cos the boy 's got to be from school , come round tomorrow and pick you up
30 ‘ If I did burgle Madge 's house , like you said , then I would n't come round here and tell you about it , would I ? ’
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