Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile Aureole had got into top gear and came through into second place , but try as he might he could never pose a threat to Pinza , who galloped on relentlessly to win by four lengths , with Pink Horse running on to take third place a length and a half further adrift and the gallant Shikampur a tired fourth .
2 Kevin Brown , the reigning North-East half marathon champion , was troubled by a stitch but battled on gamely to finish in 33rd position in 67.11 .
3 These are useful if they have been constructed flexibly enough to allow for complex unusual facilities to be used if required , and thus do not negate their advantage by imposing restrictions on the designers and programmers , Structure should be built in from the beginning .
4 ‘ It 's all right to ask for other people .
5 It happened so fast and so drastically that I nearly slid after him , managing only instinctively to pivot on one foot and throw myself headlong back onto the boards still remaining solid behind the hole .
6 Before the land bridge to North America emerged above the waters once again they had been isolated long enough to evolve as New World monkeys whose modern descendants walk on all fours and many of whom have prehensile tails .
7 May the author once again intrude upon whatever mood his narrative might have established long enough to report on current events ? ’
8 If that idea proves feasible , they could zombify most of Europe for long enough to walk in unresisted . ’
9 ‘ So far we have identified almost 50 separate groups who work closely enough together to benefit from this type of training , ’ said E.S .
10 But manager John King and his backroom staff did n't offer Agoos a contract , because they believed he was n't good enough defensively to play in English football .
11 But manager John King and his backroom staff did n't offer Agoos a contract , because they believed he was n't good enough defensively to play in English football .
12 Brisk afternoon winds do blow , exciting passages are possible , and there are many coves where you can anchor alone just to relax in perfect peace .
13 I mean if you 're saying that by not communicating everybody 's performance gets better , let's tell them all not to talk to each-other
14 Such a test much be wide enough to safeguard public morality , yet narrow enough not to encroach on private taste or conscience .
15 Manville remembered now , what it had all been about , why he had needed so desperately to return to this , at least once before he died .
16 The reduction in child pedestrian fatalities may not therefore be quite what it seems , having perhaps more to do with parental sacrifice of the freedom of movement of their children than with any tangible gains in traffic safety .
17 They suggest that in many circumstances , and particularly more recently , the central problems facing management are not so much to do with control over labour but are much more to do with such matters as obtaining orders for products , getting the design right , innovating , and handling their relations with the capital market .
18 It is nothing so ever to do with that Australian or Cockney mechanic . ’
19 She drove so frantically to begin with that it finally occurred to her that she was running the risk of being stopped for speeding .
20 Britain 's cloudy skies are only partly to blame for this poor performance .
21 She knew him well enough now to see through some of the camouflage — perhaps all of it .
22 I recall her pacing the sitting-room while I am doing my homework , pausing every so often to stand at one of the windows and look down into the busy street below .
23 It must be enough here to point to four main areas of debate , each of which has its political , economic , medical , and moral ramifications .
24 By choosing varieties which are grafted on dwarfing rootstocks where these are available ( cherries , apricots , plums , peaches , pears , apples ) , together with less vigorous varieties of others , trees can be kept to a more manageable size , some small enough even to grow in large pots or in a greenhouse .
25 They 've stepped down here to get from one piece of pavement to another , yet they look like they spent their whole lives underground .
26 You have done so well to get to this point , it is vital that you stay on the rails until the first weighing and measuring day .
27 She 'd just gone down there to look for any good-natured sucker .
28 Note the enormous flexibility compared with a routine which would tell him only how to get from one particular point to another .
29 Mops his brow with a sweat band on his left wrist , straightens up now , comes steaming in again to bowl to that 's a quick ball and fends down into the gully , off the back foot , short bouncing steered it down too smooth .
30 Kegan says they 're driving him mad already and he wants me there right away to talk to some bloody newspaper people .
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